What Are Sagittarius’s Birthstones?
The birthstones for Sagittarius are turquoise, citrine, zircon, and tanzanite. In this article, learn the meaning and effects of these gemstones, as well as the reasons why they’re worthy of being the stones of Sagittarius.
But first, let’s do a recap on the sign of the Archer – Sagittarius.
Sagittarius ♐ The Archer
The ninth astrological sign of the zodiac is Sagittarius or, “The Archer”, as it is symbolically represented. Sagittarius is a fire sign. Only two other astrological signs share the element of fire, and they are Leo and Aries. Under the tropical zodiac, the fiery sign of Sagittarius spans from November 22 to December 21.
In general, Sagittarius are most known for their vigorous personalities, vitality, and good humor. These people have an optimistic, glass-half-full attitude towards life. But this does not mean that they are typically unrealistic.
Sagittarians are quite intelligent and have an inquisitive mind. Besides that, they are spontaneous and fun-loving. Sagittarius are usually very honest and upfront, however, this honesty can be brutal sometimes. Other weaknesses of Sagittarius people include impatience and restlessness as they are always looking for thrill.
4 Sagittarius Stones
Here is a list of Sagittarius birthstones that can help Sagittarius people in various aspects of their lives:
1. Turquoise
The main stone for Sagittarius is turquoise. Turquoise is the birthstone for both November & December Sagittarius; it is also the traditional birthstone for the month of December.
The teal-like color of the stone reminds us of the calm ocean on a summer day. This natural connection to water helps to smooth out some of Sagittarius’s jaggedness.
According to astrology, some of Sagittarius’s flaws include impatience and forgetfulness. In other words, they have been diagnosed with ADHD by astrologers. Turquoise, through its charming look and water element, can help Sagittarius stay focused, keep their composure, and be more patient. It may also inspire Sagittarius to seek wisdom and help Sagittarius make better decisions.
Some believe turquoise to be a powerful purification and protection stone. It protects you against the negative influences you may face in everyday life. Because of its properties of protection, this stone was popular with some ancient warriors. Along with that, it has also been a symbol of hope, good fortune, and tranquility for centuries.
2. Citrine
Photo: Citrine Credit: Amila Tennakoon @ Flickr
Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign. Their flames are flexible and fluid. However, compared to Aries’s intense cardinal flame and Leo’s consistency fixed flame, Sagittarius’s mutable flame sometimes lack the intensity and consistency.
This is where citrine comes in. Citrine is known for being a sunny gemstone thanks to its signature yellow/orange color. This adds a little extra flavor, sophistication if you will, to the Sagittarian flame. Giving them better control of their fire and helping them to overcome their impatience.
In antiquity, citrine and topaz were often confused. That’s why the two yellow stones share many beliefs and lore. Among their effects are the power to control emotions and keep composure.
In terms of gemology, citrine is a type of quartz crystal. It is a sibling of other quartz gems such as amethyst, rose quartz, and aventurine.
Citrine a birthstone for November.
3. Zircon
Photo: Amber zircon – cushion cut: Credit: Amila Tennakoon @ Flickr
Zircon is a wonderful stone of emotional, mental, and spiritual stability for people with the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius. It can bring you just the inner strength you require at a difficult time in your life. If you meditate with it, it will guide you towards your destination. In that regard, the beautiful Zircon also has the power of turning dreams into reality by bringing visions.
Zircon is also a famous December birthstone. This zirconium silicate mineral comes in many colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple, grey, etc. It creates a balance in all spheres of your life. As a Sagittarius, you may need this balance to redirect your high levels of energy towards different things instead of burning yourself out.
Zircon is the oldest gemstone in the world and has always been known to bring luck, prosperity, and soundness into your life.
4. Tanzanite
Photo: Marquise-cut Tanzanite Credit: Wiener Edelstein Zentrum @ Wikimedia
“The Stone of Transformation”, Tanzanite, induces spiritual healing and recovery from negative patterns. This peculiar stone will help you in your communication with the higher powers for guidance in your life path.
Sagittarius people have typically strong vitality and zeal. Hence, whenever they are bothered by something, their life suddenly gets disrupted as their regular energy is absent. In this case, the Tanzanite gemstone will improve vitality, detoxify your spirit, and bring about harmony. For over 2000 years, this stone has been used for spiritual cleansing, especially to align the Crown and Throat Chakra.
In this article, we’ve discussed four distinct gemstones that are connected to Sagittarius in one way or another. They’re turquoise, citrine, zircon, and tanzanite.
Turquoise is perhaps the most popular birthstone for Sagittarius and many astrologers seem to agree on this. It is also a December birthstone so it’s particularly meaningful for December Sagittarius folks.
Citrine is generally accepted as a November birthstone and its warm fiery colors really represent Sagittarius’s fire element. It is great gemstone for all Sagittarians, but it definitely shares a special connection with November Sagittarius.
Birthstones by Zodiac Sign
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Birthstones by Month
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October| November | December