These five tarot cards are the best representation of Capricorn in terms of personality, love,  family, friendship, and career. Keep reading to find out what they are.

capricorn card

Capricorn Tarot Cards

The signs of the zodiac experience each area of life in a different way. Tarot cards are great tools to use when it comes to representation. Some people like to use tarot cards to represent and further explain the different areas of each sign’s life.

The sign in focus right now is going to be Capricorn, the sea-goat.

Capricorn has their own unique set of tarot cards that can represent the different areas of their life. To learn which cards those are and what they mean, continue on reading.

1. Personality: The Devil

personality card

The main ruling tarot card for Capricorn is the Devil, which is part of the Major Arcana. The Devil represents Capricorn’s driven personality and the determination they have to set and complete their goals.

The Devil also represents Capricorn’s love and need for independence. They don’t like feeling like they have to rely on anybody and prefer to do things themselves most of the time. The Devil card says that Capricorn has a strong sense of willpower that helps them do whatever needs to be done in life for them to succeed.

The Devil card also says that Capricorn should remember that sometimes restrictions can be a good thing, given the right circumstances. There is a possibility of a bit of materialism with Capricorn as well. They need to avoid temptation so that it cannot take over.

Keywords used to describe the Devil card and Capricorn’s personality:


  • Driven
  • Independence
  • Willpower


  • Restriction
  • Materialism
  • Temptation

2. Love: Four of Pentacles

love card

The Four of Pentacles represents the security Capricorn provides and needs in their love relationships. They like to know where they stand in their partner’s life. They also make sure their partner is aware of how they feel as well.

The Four of Pentacles also represents the generosity Capricorn has with their partner and relationship. Capricorn shows their love by providing their partner with or helping them get whatever they need to live happily.

The Four of Pentacles says that Capricorn sees their relationship as an investment, so they’re willing to put a lot of effort into it and help their partner achieve their goals.

The Four of Pentacles indicates that if Capricorn began to feel insecure in their relationship, things would not end very well. Those feelings of insecurity could cause them to become possessive or controlling because they feel unsure of the future and try to cling to what they have.

Keywords describing the Four of Pentacles and how Capricorn is in loving relationships:


  • Security
  • Generosity
  • Investment


  • Insecurity
  • Possessive
  • Controlling

3. Family: Two of Pentacles

capricorn family tarot

The Two of Pentacles represents the balance that Capricorn keeps in their family. They use their adaptability to change roles in their family and be the needed family member when the timing comes.

The Two of Pentacles also represents how Capricorn uses prioritization for their family members. Capricorn has a solid sense of judgment most of the time, so they can identify the family’s priorities and keep them in check.

When family life isn’t going too well for Capricorn, the Two of Pentacles says they may quickly get very overwhelmed by everything. That’s because Capricorn tries to take on several roles and responsibilities in their family all at once. It sometimes becomes too much.

The Two of Pentacles also warns that if Capricorn were to start to become too disorganized with family matters, things could start to go south. They may begin to take on or have to deal with their family’s more significant problems, such as financial issues.

Keywords that describe the Two of Pentacles and Capricorn’s role in the family:


  • Balance
  • Adaptability
  • Prioritization


  • Overwhelmed
  • Disorganized
  • Financial Issues

4. Friendship: Three of Pentacles

friendship tarot

The Three of Pentacles represents Capricorn’s love for teamwork within their friendships. They like to collaborate with their friends and work together on projects or assist them with reaching their personal goals.

The Three of Pentacles says that Capricorn is a very supportive friend. Their friends can rely on them to help with whatever problem or situation arises.

The Three of Pentacles indicates that if Capricorn isn’t feeling too happy with their friendships, they will start displaying apathy. They will no longer show care or effort to be there with or for their friends.

The Three of Pentacles warns that if Capricorn begins to act unappreciative of their friends, it could cause conflicts between them and not end very well.

Keywords that are used to describe the Three of Pentacles and what Capricorn’s friendships are like:


  • Teamwork
  • Collaboration
  • Support


  • Apathy
  • Unappreciative
  • Conflicts

5. Career: King of Swords

career capricorn

Capricorn is very logical when in the workplace, says the King of Swords. They like to stick to routines and do things the ways they always have done.

The King of Swords also represents Capricorn as an authority figure in their work and career life. They can lead and provide their work team with a solid and practical plan to get the job done right.

The King of Swords warns Capricorn to make sure they aren’t acting irrationally while at work. They should also take care not to participate in any dictatorship or egoism, as it will only hold them back.

Keywords that describe the King of Swords and the work and career life of Capricorn:


  • Logical
  • Routine
  • Authority


  • Irrational
  • Dictator
  • Egoism

Capricorn and Tarot Cards

Certain tarot cards can are used to represent the life of Capricorn. Several of those cards come from the suit of pentacles.

The four tarot card suits represent the four elements:

  • Wands – Fire
  • Cups – Water
  • Swords – Air
  • Pentacles (coins) – Earth

Capricorn’s sign corresponds with the earth element, just as Virgo and Taurus. That’s the reason why the pentacles suit has several cards that represent them the best.

Here are some keywords associated with Capricorn, the suit of pentacles, and the earth element:

  • Stability
  • Passion
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Practical
  • Structure
  • Abundance
  • Grounded


People use tarot cards as tools to represent the different areas of each zodiac sign’s life. It helps them explain and understand their ways of living and see the world through their eyes. Capricorn is represented by many cards that come from the suit of pentacles because they both have their energies aligned with the earth element.

The Devil represents Capricorns need for independence. They have a very driven and motivated attitude towards life. The Four of Pentacles represents the security Capricorn looks for in their relationships. They look for someone with who they can invest and grow.

The Two of Pentacles shows the balance Capricorn keeps in their family. The Three of Pentacles represents Capricorns love for working together with their friends and offering them their support to achieve their goals.

Lastly, the King of Swords represents Capricorn’s use of logic in the workplace. They also tend to prefer to stick to routines while at work.

Each of these tarot cards represents how Capricorn experiences the different areas of their life. They express how this grounded, strong earth sign feels about the world.

Tarot Cards by Zodiac Sign

Aries / Taurus / Gemini / Cancer / Leo / Virgo / Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius / Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces

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