These five tarot cards are the best representation of Pisces in terms of personality, love, family, friendship, and career. Keep reading to find out what they are.

Tarot Cards That Represent Pisces

tarot pisces

There are specific cards that you can use to represent the life of Pisces. To learn about which cards those are and how they get interpreted, continue on reading.

1. Personality: The Moon

personality card

The Major Arcana card, the Moon, is the main ruler of Pisces, and it’s the tarot card that represents their core personality. Just as Pisces is, the Moon card gives off a mysterious aura. You can sense the profound, intense energy that lingers when they show up.

The Moon card also represents Pisces’s sharp and accurate intuitive abilities. They often get a gut feeling when something isn’t right, and they can trust that their instincts are correct. The Moon card also says that Pisces has a vast imagination and is artistic at heart.

On the negative side, however, the Moon card represents the tendency for Pisces to fall for illusions. When their vision is clouded, and Pisces cannot see things for what they are, it can cause intense feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

Keywords that are used to describe the Major Arcana card, the Moon, and Pisces’s core personality:


  • Mysterious
  • Intuition
  • Imagination


  • Illusions
  • Insecurity
  • Anxiety

2. Love: Knight of Cups

aquarius love

The Knight of Cups represents the intense passion that Pisces has for their love relationships. When they fall in love, they fall hard! But, in a good way.

The Knight of Cups also expresses how compassionate and understanding Pisces is with their significant other. They make sure always to be there to catch their lover if they begin to fall, and they try their best to lift their spirits when they’re down. Pisces has strong empathetic feelings for the person with whom they’re in a loving relationship.

Although there’s nothing wrong with being empathetic towards their lover, the Knight of Cups warns that Pisces still should take care not to be naive.

It’s okay that they support their partner when their upset or feeling down about something out of their control. But when it comes to them doing something wrong deliberately and then having to pay the consequences, there’s nothing for Pisces to be feeling sorry about there!

The Knight of Cups also indicates Pisces might be prone to expecting a fairytale out of their significant other. They need to be realistic with their love expectations and not get moody when their fantasies aren’t entirely met.

Keywords used to describe the Knight of Cups and how Pisces shows their partner their love:


  • Passion
  • Compassion
  • Empathy


  • Naïve
  • Idealist
  • Moody

3. Family: Ten of Cups

family card

The Ten of Cups represents the desire for true happiness Pisces has regarding their family life. They always try their best to help their family member achieve and maintain stability. That is how Pisces creates harmony in their family.

The Ten of Cups indicates that Pisces may sometimes feel as if they come from a dysfunctional family. When things start to fall apart, and conflict arises between family members, things will seem fake to Pisces. When there’s no harmony at home, things feel broken.

Keywords that describe the Ten of Cups and what Pisces family life is like:


  • Happiness
  • Stability
  • Harmony


  • Dysfunctional
  • Fake
  • Broken

4. Friendship: Nine of Cups

friendship tarot

The Nine of Cups represents how fulfilling friendships are to both Pisces and their friends. Pisces cherishes their friendships and strives to help fill their friends with optimism whenever they feel down.

The Nine of Cups represents how generous Pisces is with their friends. They are willing to give what they can and share what they have with their friends to help them make it by.

Pisces should try to avoid displaying any judgments or snobbery to their friends. They need to pay special attention as, usually, they act in such a way unconsciously, making them come across as stuck up and greedy. If that were to happen, both sides of the friendship would quickly become dissatisfied.

The Nine of Cups stresses the importance of maintaining happy and healthy friendships in Pisces’ life.

Keywords that can get used to describe the Nine of Cups and Pisces friendships:


  • Fulfillment
  • Optimism
  • Generous


  • Snobbery
  • Greed
  • Dissatisfaction

5. Career: Queen of Wands


The Queen of Wands represents how, when at their best, Pisces is a confident worker. They can work well independently and may prefer to work by themselves than in a group. When they focus on their job, they can remain in a stable position or move upwards at a steady pace.

The Queen of Wands indicates that if Pisces pushes their limits at work, they can quickly burn themselves out. When burnt out and exhausted, it could cause them to act pushy or catty towards the people around them at work (e.g., coworkers, customers, management.)

Keywords that describe the Queen of Wands and Pisces abilities in their work and career life:


  • Confidence
  • Independence
  • Stability


  • Burnout
  • Pushy
  • Catty

Pisces and Tarot Cards

Like all the other signs, Pisces has a set of specific tarot cards that represent the different areas of their life. Most of those cards come from the suit of cups.

The four tarot card suits represent the four elements:

  • Wands – Fire
  • Cups – Water
  • Swords – Air
  • Pentacles (coins) – Earth

Just like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces is a water sign. That’s why several cards from the suit of cups match up with their energy so well.

Here are some keywords associated with Pisces, the suit of cups, and the water element:


  • Relationships
  • Healing
  • Intuition
  • Love
  • Serenity
  • Imagination
  • Nurturing
  • Sensual


People like to use tarot cards as representations of each life area and provide insight into how the zodiac signs differ from one another. Most of the cards that represent Pisces come from the suit of cups. That’s because both the suit of cups and Pisces possess the same traits that come from the water element.

The Moon card is the main ruling card for Pisces and their personality. The Knight of Cups represents the passion and empathy Pisces displays to their partner when in love.

The Ten of Cups represents Pisces’ need for happiness in their family. They want everyone to live together in harmony. The Nine of Cups represents the great feeling of fulfillment Pisces gets from their friendships.

Finally, the Queen of Wands represents Pisces’ hidden amounts of independence and confidence they have in their work and career life.

Each of these tarot cards shows how Pisces experiences a different area of life. They’re the best cards to use to represent this peaceful, intuitive water sign.

Tarot Cards by Zodiac Sign

Aries / Taurus / Gemini / Cancer / Leo / Virgo / Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius / Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces

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