Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) is an archer with a wild side. They like a little extra attention. In balance, they care about people deeply and rarely, if ever, lie. These individuals value honesty, and feel if they expect to get it they have to “give it.”

If this is your birth sign you’ve got a keen mind, and always try to keep your perspectives in balance. You look at both the risks and potential rewards before making any decisions. Even so, you are way ahead of the pack in terms of processing information.

Sometimes you think a little too deeply about things and it causes an upset in your behavior. It’s fine to care, but over-worrying helps nothing. Your best clarity will come through open, honest communications rather than wondering, “what if?”

Those in your circle have a similar view on remaining independent, outgoing, and fun-loving. You don’t handle people who sit on the sidelines very well. You simply can’t grasp that mindset. You want to be up, going, and engaging in every moment of life.

There is a caution in all your forward-moving momentum. When people don’t move as quickly as you, you become impatient. After much foot-tapping, you may even engage in a pushy way. Remember that not everyone can plan as you do, or are they as comfortable with risk. You also sometimes have a habit of making mountains out of molehills. Keep things in perspective.

In relationships, you seek after people who enjoy a great adventure. You always have a bag packed for that “last minute” vacation. While you will travel alone if you must, the experience is so much better when shared. As you see new places, you love meeting people who enjoy your mirth and enthusiasm about their culture, food, art, and scenery. You really can make friends anywhere.

Sagittarius Matches


The Ram and the Archer both generally enjoy being outdoors and taking part in sports. Your health matters, so while your hobbies are fun, they also serve a purpose. There will always be a little fun-loving competition between you.

The Aries-Sagittarius couple turn heads. They ooze charisma and sometimes attract way more people than they wish. Sagittarius is more prone to engage in a little flirting, but you don’t find it offensive.

One thing you have to be careful about is the way you offer criticism. Aries will not take it well unless you use a gentle, logical glove in your delivery. Even if the matter moves into a fight, however, you both are quick to forgive and talk it through.

Emotionally this pair is well matched. The chemistry between you has enough sparks to keep things lively. Meeting needs and desires isn’t a struggle. Sometimes you like to try and “outdo” each other in bed, which can be quite an enjoyable engagement (bring snacks and water).

Your Aries is always prone to action, while you think things through. If you can find a middle ground, you can achieve spectacular things together. Neither of you is prone to clinging, and respect each other’s independence.


If you’re looking for an energetic partner, seek out a Leo. Both signs are optimistic, generous, kind, and have a zest for life. Both signs are also impulsive, meaning this relationship could become serious quickly.

Your Leo loves some drama, and you must give this person a sense of being the center of your life’s stage. You meet that desire using precise words and actions, always aiming to please.

Together you will want to get out and see every corner of the world possible. Deciding on the actual destination may prove problematic, however. You’re both very stubborn, but with some give and take you’ll find the perfect solution. Also, you have to take care with your budget for these jaunts. Both of you burn through money with little thought.

Being that Sagittarius and Leo are both fire signs, the sex is explosive. You rarely plan anything in the bedroom, and just go with spontaneous ideas. There is no lack of love, passion, or variety!


This is a power couple. There is so much extroverted energy here,  your social calendar is always booked for months in advance. Being gregarious is something that comes naturally to you, and Libra doesn’t ‘mind one bit. In any setting, you both like to tease and flirt.

When the two of you see trouble on the horizon the instinct is to lay low and wait. Neither sign likes confrontation. But when push comes to shove, you’ll pull out your quiver and Libra arms themselves with potent words.

You will find Libra’s propensity for tweaking appearances a little frustrating. All that time in front of the mirror, and you want to be out the door already! Sometimes this causes some contention. Try using a timer!

Financially, this match needs to create a budget and stick to it. Your Libra loves sophisticated clothing and adornments, and you spend pretty indiscriminately, too. You are into activities; Libra craves things.

The two of you will never stop laughing together. You both like just a little elbow room so as to not feel crowded or constrained. Your lovemaking is the merging of refinement and spontaneity. There’s enough enthusiasm to last a lifetime.


A union with Aquarius is one of the best you can have, filled with soulmate potential. You both always look to the future with clarity. There are no crazy expectations, but you’re both definitely progressive.

Neither one of you is clingy, jealous, or needy. You can give each other space without thinking something is amiss. At the outset, this makes for a very casual get-to-know-you period.

Much of your lives together revolve around curiosity. You love good mysteries and engaging debates. It wouldn’t be surprising to find you both involved in politics or current affairs in some way. This couple understands logic, honesty, and appreciates a laid-back social style.

Sexually the Sagittarius-Aquarius partnering works very well. You both try to think about the best ways of approaching each other’s wants and needs. From the outside, this looks more intellectual than lovey-dovey, but don’t knock it if it works.