In astrology, Pluto is known as the “Destroyer.” This planet is associated with transformation, change, and rebirth. It governs the darker aspects of our lives, such as death, destruction, and power, while providing us with the strength to overcome these challenges.

Read on to learn about this powerful planet and what it means in your astrological chart.

The Meaning of Pluto In Astrology

Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun, and its orbit is also the most eccentric of all the planets. While it is no longer considered a planet scientifically, it has a deep-rooted history in astrology that continues to this day.

Pluto is the god of the underworld in Roman mythology. He was originally known as Hades, and he was the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. He was feared for his power and ability to abduct people and take them to the underworld.

This metaphor reminds us that there is always something hidden beneath the surface. Pluto is known for its secretive and mysterious nature. This planet represents the things we keep hidden from others, such as our fears, desires, and secrets.

Pluto also rules over death and rebirth. This planet reminds us that everything must come to an end in order to make way for new beginnings. The Phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, and it is often associated with Pluto.

What Does Your Pluto Placement Say About You?

This planet can help us to let go of the things that are no longer serving us so that we can make room for new opportunities. It is also a reminder that change is inevitable, and we must learn to adapt.

If you are having a tough time in your life, it may be due to the influence of Pluto. We can’t turn away from the things that Pluto represents, but we can learn to embrace them. This planet asks us to face our fears and confront the darkness within us.

Pluto affects each zodiac sign differently and usually has a multi-generational influence. This is because it takes 248 years to orbit the sun and is in each sign for about 21 years.

Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn, which it will remain in until 2024. This means that Pluto is affecting all of us, regardless of our individual placements.

Here is how Pluto affects all of the zodiac signs:

Aries Pluto

When Pluto is in Aries, there is an extreme intensity and a deep desire to take whatever is desired. This can lead to recklessness and a need for control that can destabilize entire cultures, ecosystems, and mental paradigms. While this may be a time of great upheaval, it can also lead to incredible breakthroughs.

Taurus Pluto

Pluto in Taurus can lead to deep control and manipulation of resources. There is a need to be in control of everything, and this can lead to a feeling of being suffocated. On the other hand, this placement can also lead to great abundance over a period of deep single-minded perseverance. This can create security and stability.

Gemini Pluto

When Pluto is in Gemini, there is a need for knowledge and understanding. This can lead to mental obsession and an inability to let go of ideas. This rumination can create indecision and a lack of clarity. However, this also is a time of great intellectual breakthroughs and discoveries.

Cancer Pluto

Pluto in Cancer can create a deep sense of insecurity and an extreme need for safety. This can lead to hoarding and a feeling of being trapped. On the other hand, this placement can also lead to great emotional depth and nurturing which can help the self, as well as others, survive great challenges.

Leo Pluto

Pluto in Leo can create a need for power and recognition. This can lead to ego inflation and a sense of entitlement. This may be at the expense of the needs or well-being of others. Furthermore, this person may even enjoy the suffering of others, knowing that it only makes them feel more powerful.

However, there is deep bravery in this archetype that can burn away fear and transform others with the power of their presence.

Virgo Pluto

Pluto in Virgo can create a need for perfection and an obsession with details. This can lead to criticism and a feeling of never being good enough. It can make it easy for one to lose sight of the true purpose of their work. However, this placement can also lead to incredible precision and a deep understanding of the nuances of life.

Libra Pluto

Pluto in Libra can create an excessive need for balance and harmony. This can lead to people-pleasing and a fear of conflict. It may be difficult for this person to stand up for themselves or for a community of people to resist more pressing energies such as Pluto in Aries. This can lead to deep confusion as well as a loss of identity.

Despite these challenges, this placement of Pluto can also lead to a great sense of diplomacy and the ability to see both sides of every issue, preserving compassion and empathy in a time of great turmoil.

Scorpio Pluto

Pluto in Scorpio can create a need for power and control. This can lead to manipulation and a deep sense of paranoia. It may be difficult for this person to trust others or even themselves. However, Pluto in Libra can develop a deep and perceptive understanding of the human condition and an ability to help others heal their deepest wounds.

Sagittarius Pluto

When Pluto is in Sagittarius, there is a need for expansion and freedom. This can lead to restlessness and a feeling of being trapped. This can make it hard for people to come together and create lasting bonds. Conversely, this deep independence and freedom can teach individuals how to take care of themselves and live on their own terms.

Capricorn Pluto

Pluto in Capricorn can create a need for stability and security. This can lead to rigidity and a fear of change. It may be difficult for this person to let go of the past and they may oppress others with their dogmatic traditions at all costs.

At the same time, this placement also preserves a sense of time-honored wisdom and a connection to the roots of humanity.

Aquarius Pluto

When Pluto is in Aquarius, there is a need for innovation and progress. This can lead to rebellion and a feeling of being misunderstood. It may be difficult for this person to conform to societal norms or follow orders from authority figures. They may engage in unethical or societally taboo behavior in an attempt to push the envelope.

On the other hand, this placement can also lead to incredible insights and prevent society from devolving into a monoculture.

Pisces Pluto

Pluto in Pisces can create a need for escape and escapism. This can lead to addiction and a deep sense of victimization. It may be difficult for this person to face reality or deal with their problems head-on. They may prefer to numb themselves with drugs, alcohol, or other substances. They may also avoid educating themselves, seeing naïveté as a form of innocence.

However, this placement can also lead to great compassion and tenderness at a time when the world is hardened, cruel, and unforgiving.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, Pluto can pull out the worst-case scenario and speak to the heart of our fears. However, even in the darkest of times, Pluto can also offer us hope. It is up to us to use this powerful energy wisely. Do we let it control us or do we learn to control it? The choice is ours.