Tenacious Star Signs

Tenacious people are focused and goal-oriented. Once they set their minds on something, there are no obstacles that will stop them from achieving it. Their ability to dedicate themselves to whatever they believe in often makes people like this very successful in whatever field they work. But not everyone is like this.

Even though most people dream of being successful, only a few are ever willing to put in the hard work required to achieve their dreams. If you’re wondering which of these traits you possess, your zodiac sign can provide an idea of how tenacious you are. Here is a ranking of the zodiac signs based on their tenacity.

Most Tenacious Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Pisces
2. Libra
3. Sagittarius
4. Cancer
5. Virgo
6. Gemini
7. Aries
8. Taurus
9. Scorpio
10. Capricorns
11. Aquarius
12. Leo

1. Pisces

Pisces people are known as the most dreamy of all the zodiac signs. However, they often spend too much time in fantasy land without putting in the required hard work and dedication in real life. Pisceans don’t readily get themselves involved in many things. They may be ambitious sometimes, but they mostly prefer dreaming about success instead of getting up and doing something to achieve it.

2. Libra

Librans are naturally dedicated, but this only lasts for a short while. People born under this sign are generally impatient. Their hastiness with everything is the major reason why they’re not among the most tenacious zodiac signs. They prefer to live in the moment-enjoying instant gratification instead of playing the long game. Libra people value having a calm mental state. Maintaining balance is more important to them than their ambitions so they’ll most likely not set lofty goals that will disrupt their life.

3. Sagittarius

If a Sagittarian is told what to do, he’ll most likely do it well. They’re good at following instructions, but when it comes to their personal life, it’s hard for them to be tenacious or ambitious. Sags detest being confined to a little box. They’re adventurous souls who value personal connections with people over ambitions and power. This puts them among the least tenacious zodiac signs.

4. Cancer

Cancer people are generally unmotivated about different aspects of their life, except with their family which they hold as utmost priority. People born under this sign value their loved ones a lot and can go to any length for them. Their dedication to family is unmatched by any other zodiac sign. They’re also quite intuitive and this often helps them achieve whatever goals they set for themselves easily.

5. Virgo

Virgo people love to make goals. They may not always achieve them, but they’re the type to set goals and come up with intricate plans to achieve them. They’re likely to have a journal where their goals are immaculately spelled out and planned to the tiniest detail. They plan everything from the big things like applying to grad school to the small ones like doing the laundry. The Virgos’ tenacity is fueled by their perfectionist nature. Not only do they set goals, but they also want to see these goals achieved so they’ll ditch everything else just to make sure it is properly done. Their self-worth is tied to their ability to achieve success, which is why they often put their hearts out into anything they’re doing.

6. Gemini

It’s often difficult to place where the Gemini stands in terms of tenacity and dedication. They tend to have dual personality traits and this applies to their tenacity as well. However, Geminis are focused and goal-oriented sometimes. They just tend to choose their battles because they’re aware of the limitations of their skills and talent. What they lack in brute ambition, they make up for with their ability to turn on their charm and charisma to get their way.

7. Aries

It’s difficult to find an Aries that isn’t working towards one goal or the other. They’re always up to something. Aries people have a passionate fire inside of them which they carry into everything. They tend to set a lot of personal goals and they are determined enough to work towards achieving them. Arians love to win. They’ll compare themselves to other people every time and they’re always trying to be the best wherever they find themselves. The rush of competition is part of what makes their life interesting so they’re always in some sort of competition with others in their head which may be friendly or unfriendly depending on the situation.

8. Taurus

The Taurean stubbornness is legendary and this is what fuels their tenacity. To people born under this sign, quitting is not an option in most situations. They work hard at their goals and most times, they won’t relent until these goals are achieved. This tendency to put their goals over everything and everyone else often makes them appear rude to other people because they don’t really care about them. Only their goals matter and they’ll do everything to achieve them.

9. Scorpio

Scorpions are creative people that are good at starting and ending things. They’re quite optimistic, so they’ll not get held back by failure. Most times, they take it as a challenge and use their energy to propel themselves ahead and try over and over again until they get it. This positive outlook on life is one of the major factors that drive the Scorpion’s success. Their creative mind is always seeking new ways to achieve whatever task they set their heart on if the previous method fails to work.

10. Capricorns

The Capricorn zodiac sign is another sign that is commonly associated with determination. However, they do not just attack tasks with vehement determination. Instead, they always look for creative ways to solve problems. In most cases, they’ll break up massive work into small manageable tasks. In addition to being clever, they’re also patient enough to see their goals through. They’re always moving forward and forging ahead no matter what.

11. Aquarius

If there’s anyone you can trust to always figure things out and solve problems, it has to be the Aquarius. They won’t back down until they have gotten to the bottom of issues and resolved them. Aquarians have the ability to develop deep faith and conviction in things. This helps their ambition since they won’t stop until they have achieved all their goals.

12. Leo

Everyone knows just how ambitious Leos can be. No one loves winning more than people born under this zodiac sign. They’re the kind to set goals and exceed expectations in achieving these goals. Leos are also very optimistic and this is another factor that contributes to their tenacity. They’re confident in their ability to achieve success in their endeavors. This confidence helps them to overcome even the most challenging of situations.


Not everyone has a life fueled by passion and purpose. Some people are okay with simply living through the next day without setting lofty goals or trying to achieve anything extraordinary. Being satisfied with the small things of life is okay and so is being tenacious.