Superficial Star Signs

Being shallow or superficial is not something most people would love to admit. However, the reality is that some people are quite superficial. Not a lot of people are blessed with the ability to see things beyond the surface. For most people, their only concern is the most obvious features of anything. Shallow-minded people find introspection or deep thinking very difficult, which is why they stick only to the most obvious reasoning. How superficial a person is can be explained by astrology. Here is a ranking of the different zodiac signs based on how superficial their personalities are.

Most Superficial Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Pisces
2. Scorpio
3. Aquarius
4. Cancer
5. Taurus
6. Aries
7. Capricorns
8. Sagittarius
9. Libra
10. Virgo
11. Gemini
12. Leo

1. Pisces

Pisceans are water signs and if there’s anything to know about water signs, it’s the fact that they’re able to wade into deep emotional waters. They’re quite analytical in their reasoning which allows them to see far below the surface of any situation. Pisces people are also very observant, especially of people. They can see beyond what people are saying and decipher their exact feelings and emotions. Their “almost psychic” intuitive nature also means they can see beyond what they see or hear and rely on how they feel instead.

2. Scorpio

The Scorpio’s personality is enigmatic to most people. They do not reveal a lot of things about themselves because they like to keep their cards close to their chest. Interestingly, Scorpio people are very good at reading others. They have profound intuitive abilities that help them figure out other people’s true intentions and motivations first.

3. Aquarius

The highly-intelligent Aquarius is often considered the most intellectual of all zodiac signs. They have an impressive sense of awareness that allows them to analyze things deeply and make idealistic decisions. Aquarians are altruistic people, which is why they often take a keen interest in others. They’re also quite observant, filling up their knowledge reserve which comes in handy later when it’s time to make real-life decisions.

4. Cancer

The Cancer’s emotional hypersensitivity is probably their most well-known trait. However, they also tend to be deep thinkers which means they’re unlikely to be superficial. This often stems from their deep emotions and passion. They may not dig as deep as the other zodiac sign, but they spend enough time in their heads to allow them to analyze people and situations beyond the surface.

5. Taurus

Taureans are all about enjoying the fine things of life. This means they’re very likely to be materialistic and extravagant. Taurus people are the type to throw money around in search of entertainment and fun. They tend to make friends with like-minded people, which means their circle of friends is usually filled with other superficial people. That’s expected, considering the fact that they don’t want anyone breathing down their necks or correcting their extravagant nature.

6. Aries

Passion and ambition are two things Aries people are known for. Everything is a competition to them and this often makes it difficult to see things beyond the surface. They have an instinct to one-up everyone around them. Arians spend most of their life trying to be good at their jobs and make more money. There’s hardly ever enough time for them to reflect on the other deep things of life. They’re happy as long as they feel accomplished. Don’t be surprised if they spend a lot of time talking about the things they have achieved and how successful they are.

7. Capricorns

Capricorns don’t spend a lot of time on philosophical ponderings. However, they are hardworking people. They believe putting in a lot of work will get them all the recognition they need. That’s not to say they’re not intellectual at all. They do a little deep thinking once in a while. But they prefer strength and grit over philosophical thoughts most of the time.

8. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are not the type to get deeply involved in anything. Their fear of commitment is the major reason why they hardly ever see things beyond the surface. It’s almost as if they’re scared of going too deep with anything. They have a lot of unfinished business and they leave many things unsaid. They’re among the most shallow-minded people you’ll ever meet.

9. Libra

Libra people are obsessed with keeping up appearances. To them, their physical looks and how others feel about them are more important than anything. This desire to impress others is the major reason Librans are considered one of the most superficial of all zodiac signs. They lack a deep sense of conviction about anything and are obsessed with upholding group ideas over personal identity. These shallow social climbers feel the need to show off to everyone just to be accepted.

10. Virgo

Virgos have a reputation for being the perfectionists of the zodiac chart. They tend to have a great eye for details and nothing gets past them. While this trait often means they’re good at their work, it also makes them overly critical of others. Virgos are the type to pick other people apart and exaggerate their flaws. They’re the type to give people unsolicited advice about their life. This hypercritical nature makes it difficult to see people beyond the surface and appreciate their numerous strengths.

11. Gemini

Represented by the twins Castor and Pollux, Gemini people have dual-natured personalities. They are social butterflies and they always have something to say to everyone. Geminis are prone to gossip and baseless conversations. They also tend to end up in shallow relationships due to their busy social life. Gemini people have an active social schedule, but a very flaky personal life. Out of sight is truly out of mind for them. You can only rely on them when they’re with you because once they leave, they most likely won’t be thinking about you for a long time.

12. Leo

The dramatic Leo lives for the spotlight which is why they’re the most superficial of all zodiac signs. They spend their life living for other people’s validation and this makes it difficult for them to be committed to their true selves. Leo people want to be the center of everyone’s world. If a conversation isn’t centered around them, they most likely won’t take it seriously. The fact that they won’t do anything that doesn’t benefit them personally also means they have difficulty maintaining deep friendships or relationships.


In life, there will always be superficial people and deep thinkers. We all can’t be the same way. Of course, it is possible to tame the extreme sides of our personalities and dedicate more time to improving those areas that we are lacking. Knowing where you fall in the spectrum of superficiality is a great place to start on such a journey toward self-improvement.