Sentimental Star Signs

When it comes to emotions, some people’s feelings run deeper than others. For such people, making decisions or judging issues is done based on how they feel rather than just the facts of the matter.

Sentimental people are often biased in how they handle issues because they’re usually blinded by their feelings. On the other end of the spectrum, we have people that are guided by facts and figures rather than blind emotions. Astrology makes it possible to characterize people based on how sentimental they are. Here’s a ranking of all the zodiac signs based on how emotionally sensitive or sentimental they are:

Most Sentimental Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Aquarius
2. Aries
3. Sagittarius
4. Leo
5. Capricorn
6. Taurus
7. Scorpio
8. Virgo
9. Gemini
10. Libra
11. Cancer
12. Pisces

1. Aquarius

Aquarians are among the least sensitive of all zodiac signs. They are naturally not empathic, which makes them unable to relate to other people’s feelings or put themselves in someone else’s shoes. This allows them to make decisions without being bothered about how it affects someone else.

2. Aries

One of the traits of sentimental people is their tendency to get worn down by too much activity. The Aries is the opposite of this. They carry enough passionate power inside of them to handle various challenges. Aries people don’t care about how other people feel about them. They’re not scared of confrontation. If they have something on their mind, they’ll say it regardless of who gets hurt by it. They also tend to act impulsively without considering the full ramifications of their decisions.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are naturally insensitive to other people’s feelings. They’re the type to tell a bad joke without considering other people’s feelings or play a practical joke on them. The problem isn’t that they’re mean. They are just not thoughtful enough to care. People often think Sags are harsh, but they do not care about having such a bad reputation. They’ll tell it as it is without diplomacy or tact.

4. Leo

The Leo’s sentimentalism borders on selfishness and a huge ego. They don’t really care about other people’s feelings. But they do care about what people think about them. They like being perceived as heroes or the leaders of a pack. This often influences their actions and makes them appear as sentimental at times. When their public identity is not being threatened, Leos can easily flip between being sentimental and being insensitive.

5. Capricorn

The major reason why Capricorns tend to be biased is because they want to be liked by others. They are sensitive to what people think about them so they do things to stay in their good books. They’re usually admirable employees and team players mainly because of their conscientious nature. Capricorn people strive for perfection and they’ll do anything just to avoid being criticized.

6. Taurus

Taureans don’t typically show their sensitive side. But that’s not to say it isn’t there. Beyond their tough and stubborn exterior, these people can be compassionate. Taureans are empathic and they’ll typically fight for others because they can feel what they’re going through. Their fierce side only comes to the surface if they feel they’re being attacked or targeted somehow.

7. Scorpio

Scorpios are naturally not hypersensitive. However, in chaotic or difficult situations, they’re likely to get overwhelmed by all the noise-making it difficult for them to make decisions that are not emotion-based. They do better when there are no distractions around them. In which case, they can be laser-focused and unbiased with their emotions.

8. Virgo

The Virgo’s biggest strength is their tendency to be detail-oriented. Nothing gets past the perfectionist Virgo. However, this is also their greatest undoing since they tend to pay too much attention to other people’s feelings and how their own actions may affect them. Virgos are aware of their environment and they tend to take everything that’s going on around them too personally. This inability to detach themselves from their surroundings makes them too sentimental in their actions and decision-making.

9. Gemini

Most times, it appears like the Gemini does not care about anything or anyone. But this isn’t true. In fact, they tend to take things more personally than most people and they’ll feel like it’s their fault if something isn’t going right in their social circle. Geminis often have trouble making decisions or following a fixed direction in their life. Choosing between many options can get overwhelming for Gemini people because they’re aware of other people’s feelings and they’re trying not to upset them.

10. Libra

The Libra’s sentimental nature often makes it difficult for them to make decisions quickly because they’re bothered about how their actions affect other people. They often try to weigh every possible outcome and they’ll end up going for the decision that has the least impact on the peace and balance in their circle. Librans tend to get upset when they make a decision that turns out to be terrible. It’ll haunt them for a long time and they’ll often try to rewrite the wrong. In relationships, Libra people tend to love with all their hearts. Their feelings guide all their actions in such a relationship and this often leaves them deeply hurt if they ever get betrayed.

11. Cancer

Like Pisces, Cancer is a water sign which means their emotions run deep as well. They tend to care too much about other people, especially their friends and family. Their emotionally-reactive nature often makes them overthink their own actions and the potential effects of such actions on other people. Cancers are empathic people that can feel the pain of others. They’re particularly sentimental when it comes to issues that relate to people they love or care about. They wear their hearts on their sleeves so everyone knows just how much they care about things and prioritize other people.

12. Pisces

Pisceans top the list of the most sentimental zodiac signs for obvious reasons. They’re highly emotionally sensitive and they tend to process things on a deep emotional level before anything else. People born under this sign are aware of their own emotions and that of others. They always try not to do anything that will hurt other people’s feelings. The problem here is that caring too much about how other people feel often leads them to make sentimental decisions.


Sentimental people tend to get upset when their actions affect other people negatively. Their sensitivity clouds their judgment and makes it difficult to trust their decisions. In critical situations where being factual and unbiased is important, you should look to the unsentimental zodiac signs for help.