Rebellious Star Signs

There’s something fun about being rebellious. People who don’t follow the rules tend to have the most fun. Of course, living on the edge can also be dangerous. But not everyone can live the submissive life of non-rule breakers. Certain zodiac signs are prone to be more rebellious than others. The rebellious zodiac signs often have an independent mindset and they don’t like being told what to do. If you’re curious about which zodiac signs have been labeled the rebels and which ones adhere strictly to rules, here is a ranking of all the zodiac signs based on how rebellious they are.

Most Rebellious Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Pisces
2. Gemini
3. Capricorn
4. Virgo
5. Scorpio
6. Leo
7. Cancer
8. Taurus
9. Libra
10. Sagittarius
11. Aries
12. Aquarius

1. Pisces

Peace-loving Pisces is not a rule breaker. They simply don’t have it in them to be rebels. They are empathic and emotionally sensitive which is why they’re always compliant with instructions. An old soul at heart, Pisceans radiate a natural sweetness and innocence that is difficult to find in any other zodiac sign. They rarely get into conflicts because they believe in open communication and they’re quite understanding.

2. Gemini

Gemini people are also known as the twin because they have dual personalities. They can be troublemakers or peacemakers if they want to be. Sometimes they rebel, but sometimes they also act peacefully. Both sides of their personality are always at war with each other and it’s always a struggle to determine which one would reign supreme.

3. Capricorn

Capricorns are not exactly rebels. They just have an independent mind and they tend to be fierce. They’re also quite stubborn which is normal considering this is an earth sign. But their wild side is mostly kept secret. Not everyone gets to see this side of them. The aspect of their personality they tend to show the world is the decorum-loving tamed spirit. Deep down, they can be quite untamed when they want to be.

4. Virgo

Virgos are known for being perfectionists which means they don’t have a problem with sticking to rules and routines. However, they set such a high standard for themselves, so much that rules set by other people might not be enough for them. Most people don’t measure up to Virgo’s standard. For the most part, they think the people making the rules are stupid or just full of shit. This is why they’re rebelling against the rules inwardly. But because they’d rather walk away than fight, they’ll still follow them grudgingly.

5. Scorpio

With the Scorpio, it’s not a matter of if they’ll rebel, it’s more of a question of when they’ll do it. People born under this sign have an intense personality. They seem to love being against the world and they are cocky enough to believe they can win. Scorpio people are particularly rebellious when they think they’re doing something monumental or something that can cause real change.

6. Leo

To others, rebelling is about questioning authority. Leo people take this a step further by simply ignoring authority entirely. People born under this sign always want to be the ones in charge. Their blind ambition and love for attention is the reason why they don’t do well as subordinates. Their problem isn’t that they don’t care about the rules. They just don’t like the fact that they’re not the type making them.

7. Cancer

The Cancerian’s default personality does not seem like a rebellious one. They’re sweet and caring with an empathic character which is why people don’t normally see them as rebels. While it is true that Cancers don’t outrightly oppose authority, they tend to do things their own way. They always believe they have the justification to do things differently. They’re mostly quiet or reserved, but that’s not to say they can’t be subversive sometimes.

8. Taurus

Taureans are known for their headstrong personality. They think their opinion is superior to everybody else’s and they’ll always stick to their own rules. It doesn’t matter if having a differing opinion will put them in trouble. Taureans always try to persuade others to join in the rebellion. They’re good at plotting coups and takeovers if they believe things should be done differently from what you’re currently doing.

9. Libra

Libra people generally have a gentle and polite personality. They don’t have the classic trouble-maker persona. In fact, they rarely step out of line. Their mild and gentle nature often has people fooled about their potential to be rebellious. However, if they have a clear vision for what they want, they’re never afraid to follow their heart’s desires even if it doesn’t have everyone’s approval.

10. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are not the type to play safe. This fire sign is always looking out for an opportunity for fun and adventure. If that means breaking the rule, then so be it. Sags will brazenly break the rules just for the fun of it. For them, life is best enjoyed when you live it on the edge which is why they often do things without worrying about the consequences.

11. Aries

Although Aries people love to follow a plan, the only rules they really care about are their own. Aries people don’t make great followers because they prefer to be the one ordering people around. They’re likely to grow rebellious if they’re placed under strict authority. Aries people are naturally bold, so they’re never afraid of challenging authority just to show their point of view to everyone.

12. Aquarius

The Aquarian’s tendency to rebel is not just in breaking rules or challenging authority, they live their entire life on their own terms. This is why they’re often considered the most rebellious zodiac sign. People born under this sign have an independent mind which is why they’re always ready to challenge the status quo. They don’t care so much for stereotypes or social conventions. Aquarius people are the type to oppose authorities just because they can. They often have “no” as their default answer to anything


Free-spirited people always prioritize their independence over rules or authority. While it is great to be adventurous and bold, you should know that rules are important as well, and living according to the rules within reasonable limits will keep everyone safe and happy.