Obedient Star Signs

Going against the status quo, doing things your own way instead of following what you were told to do, standing up to authority. These are traits disobedient people exhibit. Some people are naturally inclined to disobey rules. While others always manage to stay in line, disobedient people don’t care for rules and would rather live life on their own terms. Sometimes, a person’s zodiac sign is the reason why they don’t like following authority. In this post, we’ll rank the different zodiac signs based on how likely they are to be disobedient.

Most Obedient Zodiac Sign (Least To Most)

1. Aquarius
2. Aries
3. Sagittarius
4. Virgo
5. Taurus
6. Leo
7. Libra
8. Cancer
9. Capricorn
10. Scorpio
11. Gemini
12. Pisces

1. Aquarius

Known as the rebels of the zodiac chart, Aquarians live life on their own terms. They’re naturally the most disobedient zodiac sign. People born under this sign are independent-minded. They’re also fearless and don’t mind standing against any type of authority. Aquarius people don’t need any justification to be disobedient. They’re the type to break rules just because they can.

2. Aries

Aries people are probably the most arrogant of all zodiac signs. Their reason for breaking rules is simple; they only follow their own rules. No other person or authority matters to them. This is why they often grow to be rebellious, challenging authorities and going against anything that does not align with their opinion or values. Aries people prefer to be leaders than followers which is why they brazenly rebel against authorities.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarians love to live life on their own terms. They’re not the type to play it safe or stay in life. Their disobedience is often in search of adventure. If something looks like it’ll be fun or thrilling, they’ll go for it even if there are rules that prohibit them. Their mantra is to “have fun first and ask questions later” which is what they always manage to do regardless of the consequences.

4. Virgo

Perfectionist Virgo always thinks their plan is better than everyone else’s. Their disobedience isn’t because they don’t respect authorities. They just don’t think other people’s plans can be better than theirs. To them, not following the rules others have set is the only way to do things right. Even though they may not openly express their disagreement, they’re more likely to do what’s on their mind than follow the rules.

5. Taurus

The bull’s stubbornness is the most notable aspect of their personality. People born under this sign are known to be obstinate and set in their ways. They’re also fearless and they don’t mind getting into trouble because of what they believe. As long as they’re persuaded about something, it’ll be difficult for anyone to persuade them to see things differently.

6. Leo

Leo people don’t make great followers. To them, leading is the only option available. They have to be the ones making the rules and no one else. Leos think they’re better than everyone else. So why should they follow your rules when you’re just another dumbass. Leos can be dramatic about their disobedience too. They’re charismatic people and it’s easy to get others to follow their own path instead of obeying authority. Call them coup-plotters and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

7. Libra

Libra people are not naturally rebels like the others. Their arrogance is not because they’re proud. They just prefer to follow their heart’s desires over anything else that people are saying. Libras are naturally indecisive and their opinions tend to change with public opinion. But don’t be fooled by their mild manner. If they have set their hearts on anything, nothing will ever persuade them to do things differently.

8. Cancer

The Cancer zodiac is known for being good-natured and gentle. They’re unlikely to be openly rebellious but that’s not to say that this water sign always follows the rules. Cancers just know how to rebel without getting into trouble. They always have justifications for their actions and they’re good at rationalizing their behavior in a way that seems sincere. Because they’re silent and gentle, they often get away with their disobedience.

9. Capricorn

Whether a Capricorn will obey authority depends entirely on who’s leading. They take others from people they respect and they’ll give others to those they consider to be beneath them. Status is important to Capricorns. You have to be older, richer, or better than them in some way before you can be considered good enough to follow. Capricorns worship power and they don’t mind obeying authority. But if they think someone doesn’t deserve to lead, they will most likely rebel.

10. Scorpio

When it comes to obedience or disobedience, Scorpio people can swing either way. They’re not the type to openly seek authority or try to lead by force. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, Scorpios prefer to take orders rather than take charge. Scorpio people will bow to anyone especially when there are potential benefits involved in being obedient but they’ll rebel if they ever feel like the person giving orders has nothing to offer.

11. Gemini

Two-faced Gemini is a natural people-pleaser. They’re often regarded as the most adaptable sign and this is why they don’t typically insist on doing things their own way alone. Geminis don’t mind other people making decisions for them. It’s even better for them because it frees them from commitment and responsibility. Geminis don’t like to take charge which is why they’ll willingly submit to anyone else whom the responsibility falls on.

12. Pisces

Pisces people are considered the most emotionally aware of all the zodiac signs. They’re not proud or stubborn. Pisceans recognize the place of authority, which is why they’re naturally submissive. Before doing anything, Pisceans consider the potential effects of their action on people. They know being rebellious only leads to chaos and they don’t want that. Pisceans are content with following even though they make great leaders themselves.


It takes a lot of courage and humility to be obedient to authority. Although this comes naturally to some zodiac signs, others are more likely to be rule breakers. While this trait depends on your zodiac sign, you can always work on your attitude to avoid getting into trouble due to disobedience.