Judgemental Star Signs

Being judgemental isn’t exactly a trait to be proud of. However, more people do it than they’d care to admit. Judgemental people are always secretly taking inventory of other people and judging them based on certain standards. Depending on how judgemental you are, how well people measure up to the standards you have might impact your interaction with them.

Most people know it’s wrong to judge others but it’s simply too hard for them to stop doing so. This is probably because being judgemental is a personality trait that is linked to their zodiac sign. People who are born under certain zodiac signs are more prone to be judgemental than others. Also, different zodiac signs judge people for different reasons. Here’s a ranking of the different zodiac signs based on how judgemental they tend to be.

Most Judgemental Zodiac Sign (Least To Most)

1. Pisces
2. Aquarius
3. Taurus
4. Sagittarius
5. Leo
6. Scorpio
7. Cancer
8. Aries
9. Gemini
10. Capricorn
11. Libra
12. Virgo

1. Pisces

Pisceans are known for their emotional sensitivity and intelligence. They are deeply in touch with their emotions and are unselfish. They’re also known to be quite empathic. Being able to put themselves into other people’s shoes makes it less likely for people born under this sign to be judgemental. They understand that no one is perfect which is why they try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

2. Aquarius

Aquarians have a weird non-conformist personality. For someone that doesn’t like being put in a box or stereotyped, it’s understandable why they’re not judgemental. Aquarius people are among the most open-minded people you’ll ever meet. They try to be open and welcoming to everyone. Their openness to accept people for who they are is the reason why they’re able to grow and evolve so much.

3. Taurus

Taureans are stubborn and short-tempered. They think their opinion is better than yours but it’s not really in a condescending or judgemental way. They’re just quite rooted in their mindset and it’s hard to get them to see things in a different light. But they’re among the least judgmental of the zodiac sign. They can be superficial sometimes. The only thing a Taurus is likely to judge you for is if they think you’re not trying hard enough or you give up too easily. But that’s only because they don’t back down too.

4. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are harder on themselves than they are on other people. While they tend to be judgemental of others, it often comes from a place of cutthroat self-judgment. They have set high standards for themselves and they’re often disappointed when they can’t meet up. Their judgemental attitude is not coming from a place of pride or because they think they’re better than anyone.

5. Leo

Leos are natural leaders known for their sense of ambition and love for admiration. They’re prone to size people up, but they don’t do it in an exactly judgemental way. They want to be the best anywhere they are. For someone so competitive, learning to evaluate your competition to see where you stand is an important thing for them. They’ll compare themselves to others to gauge their chance of getting ahead and scheme their way to the top.

6. Scorpio

Scorpio people are naturally suspicious of people. Their judgmental nature is more of cynicism than actual judgment. They tend to suspect people of dishonesty and they’ll always examine their character to see if they’re being straightforward or not. Scorpio people can also be calculative. They may come up with schemes or tests to prove that they’re right about a person’s character. They think by proving someone is being dishonest, they can show how great they are at being a good judge of character. But seeking out fault in others just shows how vulnerable they really are.

7. Cancer

Cancerians are emotionally sensitive. They react horribly to being hurt or betrayed which is why they’re almost always on guard around people. Being judgemental is more of a survival skill for them rather than a way to look down on others. But they’re not really the best judge of character. They’re overly emotional and this makes them hyper-critical of people, sometimes without due cause.

8. Aries

Aries people have a stubborn side to their personality that tends to think everyone with an opinion different from what they think is right is kind of stupid. Their judgemental nature comes from a place of arrogance and belief that they’re never wrong. The problem with people born under this sign is that they don’t really consider other people’s points of view. This is why they judge others too hastily.

9. Gemini

Gemini people are known for being social and outgoing. For someone that spends a lot of time in the company of other people, it makes sense that they try to access the character of the people they meet. This is why Geminis are so judgemental. However, their tendency to judge is not in a materialistic way. They assess people based on the circle of friends they keep and decide if they want to be associated with you, not based on the actions of your friends.

10. Capricorn

The reason why Capricorns are so judgemental is that they have a negative outlook on life. They’re overly serious and they are suspicious of people. This pessimism sometimes feeds into their personality and makes them critical of others. But being judgemental is not just a survival tactic for the Capricorn. They tend to be condescending, especially to people that don’t have a job or social standing that measures up to their high standards.

11. Libra

A Libra is a natural people-person. However, they’re prone to gossip. The Libra’s judgemental nature is linked to their own perception of their deficiency. They believe that by being judgmental of others, they can deflect attention away from their own flaws. It’s a smokescreen they use to cover up their inadequacies. This is why Libras are so open with their criticism of others. They don’t hide how judgemental they are of others because they think it benefits them in the long run.

12. Virgo

Virgo people are the most judgemental of all the zodiac signs. The problem isn’t that Virgos judge people, the problem is that they judge everyone, including themselves. They’re perfectionists and this means they set impossible standards for other people and themselves. No one can really measure up to the high standards they set. Being judgemental helps them pay attention to details and produce quality results at work. But it also puts them on the edge and sets them up against people, leading to strained relationships with coworkers.


Nobody’s perfect and no one should expect them to be. Being judgemental or overly critical of other people is not a good way to live. Even if your zodiac sign is prone to judging people harshly, you can always unlearn these habits and be a better person.