Irritable Star Signs

Many of our personality traits are influenced by our zodiac signs. Therefore, the fact that some people seem to be more chill and relaxed than others is something that can be explained by their position on the astrology chart. If you seem to get annoyed easily, there’s a chance that your zodiac sign ranks high on the list of most irritable zodiac signs. In this article, we rank all the zodiac signs based on how likely they are to go off the rails when faced with the slight inconveniences of life.

Most Irritable Zodiac Sign Ranking (Least to Most)

1. Pisces
2. Gemini
3. Aquarius
4. Sagittarius
5. Cancer
6. Libras
7. Aries
8. Capricorns
9. Scorpio
10. Leo
11. Virgo
12. Taurus

1. Pisces

Pisces people are often considered the most emotionally intelligent of all the zodiac signs. This is why they’re among the least irritable of them all. They’re unlikely to blame others or flare-up easily when things go wrong.

Of all the zodiac signs, Pisces people are the least likely to get into a fight. They’re known for their emotional sensitivity and their high sense of empathy. The only thing that is likely to get them worked up is if someone is being outrightly cruel to someone else. The fact that they feel other people’s pain means they’re likely to take issues like this personally. But even when they’re angry, Pisceans have a good handle on their anger and they’re able to keep arguments as civil as possible.

2. Gemini

Gemini people are among the chillest of all the zodiac signs. They rarely get into arguments with people and even when they do, chances are they’ll try not to get too tough on the other person. The Gemini’s tendency to roll with the punches is one of the reasons why people consider them two-faced. They enjoy maintaining a balance between different passions, interests, and opinions which is why they’re able to adapt to minor annoyances from different people. If a Gemini is mad at you, chances are they’re thought long and hard about what you did before reacting angrily.

3. Aquarius

The Aquarian’s open-mindedness is one of the reasons why they’re not easily annoyed by people. This intellectual and curious zodiac sign is capable of adapting to various social situations.

However, they don’t like getting engaged in petty talks and insignificant gossip. This is one of the things that are likely to get them worked up. Although they tend to compromise a lot, they’re likely to get irritated if they do not agree with the purpose behind a conversation. However, they’re unlikely to show outright that they’re angry. They show their discomfort by acting passive-aggressively.

4. Sagittarius

Sagittarians have a reputation for being ethical and upright. They rarely get into fights as they try to keep the peace with everyone. However, they tend to be headstrong and love to have things done their way. Because of this, they tend to struggle with being told that they’re wrong. Sags don’t do well in tense situations and they’re likely to vent or throw a tantrum when they think things aren’t going their way.

5. Cancer

The life of a Cancerian is an emotional roller coaster. As a water sign, people born under this sign are known for their emotional sensitivity. This isn’t a bad thing most of the time as it means they’re quite empathic and accommodating. However, being notoriously sensitive has its downside because it also means they’re likely to get hurt by things people do to them. Cancers also tend to overthink which is why they’ll hold onto a grudge for a long time without letting it go.

6. Libras

The Libra’s primary obsession is the need to maintain a balance with everyone around them. Therefore, they can get annoyed easily when they feel someone is going to upset that balance. They don’t like it when someone is being unkind or uncaring about other people. Libras also can’t accommodate proud or snotty people and are likely to try to set the person in their proper place. However, if you act like a “normal” human being around them, they’re among the most accommodating zodiac signs.

7. Aries

Aries people tend to get irritated when other people are being too slow or taking too long to do things. This is because they try to do things as quickly as possible themselves and can’t understand why someone is taking too long to decide on anything. Patience is not one of their strong fort which is why they roll better with people that can go on the same pace with them and will get annoyed by “slow people”

8. Capricorns

The Capricorn’s seriousness is the major reason why they get so annoyed easily. They rarely joke or mess around especially when they’re in work mode. They believe there’s a time and place for everything which is why they can’t stand it when someone is trying to be a comedian in a situation they consider serious. That’s not to say they don’t have a sense of humor. They just don’t condone wrongly-timed shenanigans.

9. Scorpio

Scorpio people are naturally independent-minded. Because of this, it is difficult for them to hang around people that they consider lazy or passive. They get annoyed when they think someone is playing dumb, pretending, or lying. Scorpios aren’t so accommodating of habits that they consider “stupid”. They tend to get so annoyed by anyone exhibiting these habits and they don’t mind saying it to the person’s face.

10. Leo

Leos are happy and comfortable as long as they’re the center of attention. However, if they feel unseen or they have to share the spotlight with others, they’re likely to get cranky and irritable with everyone around. The worst thing anyone can do to a Leo is ignore them or do anything to take attention away from them.

11. Virgo

As the perfectionists they are, it isn’t surprising that Virgos are annoyed by a lot of things. From someone mispronouncing a name to people chewing too loudly or walking too slow. Virgo people hold themselves to high standards and they extend this to other people as well. They’re often considered the most critical of all the zodiac signs because of how hard they come at people who fail to meet the impossible standards they have set for themselves.

12. Taurus

The bull has a reputation for being stubborn and opinionated. Therefore, they tend to get annoyed when things don’t go their way or if something unexpected happens. People born under this sign can get quite irritable in such circumstances. They’re not the type to simply let things go or brush it off as one of those little inconveniences of life. They spend a lot of time brooding over little things and this can make them even angrier. They may try to hire their annoyance for a while, but they’re just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Taureans are the most cranky when they’re stressed or haven’t had enough sleep.


If you are among the most irritable zodiac signs, you’re likely to get riled up by people easily. However, you can always learn to tame your anger and understand the quirks and imperfections of other people. That way, you’ll be more accommodating and less irritable.