Insane Star Signs

The word “insane” can mean a lot of different things. However, for this article, we’ll focus on being quirky or prone to irrational behavior instead of crazy in the sense of being prone to an emotional breakdown. Based on this definition, there are certain types of people that are always acting in a way that’s out of sorts or zany. For people that act like this, being crazy is a trait that can be linked to their zodiac sign in some ways. In this post, we’ll rank all the zodiac signs based on how likely they are to let their inhibitions go and act a little wild.

Most Insane Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Capricorn
2. Taurus
3. Libra
4. Pisces
5. Cancer
6. Virgo
7. Leo
8. Sagittarius
9. Scorpio
10. Aries
11. Gemini
12. Aquarius

1. Capricorn

Capricorns are probably the most serious-minded and practical people you’ll ever meet. In fact, many people consider them over-serious or even boring. People born under this sign are the least likely to do anything crazy. Capricorns are rarely emotional. They don’t do things that are likely to throw their life out of balance. They’re too focused on work and the other important things of life to get carried away with drama.

2. Taurus

Taureans are grounded people known for their love for stability. They’re typically calm and level-headed. Yes, they’re obstinate and may have an explosive temper. But most of the time they rarely act out of sorts. Stubbornness is the Taurean’s craziest quirk. They tend to hold on to their own views to the detriment of others. But that’s only because they don’t like change.

3. Libra

Librans are among the least dramatic of all the zodiac signs. Life to them is all about balance and harmony which is why they hardly do things that are out of sorts. If there’s anything weird about the Libra’s personality it’s their indecision. They can go back and forth, weighing all the options because they don’t want to commit to a decision without considering all sides. Their obsession with balance is also a little insane considering the fact that it is almost impossible to keep everything in harmony at all times.

4. Pisces

Dreamy Pisces is often described as delusional. This is probably the only insane thing about them. They spend a lot of time in their head and they tend to have an idealistic view of the world. Beyond that, they’re mostly normal. People born under this sign are known for their emotional intelligence and sensitivity. They are less prone to emotional outbursts and handle their relationships with people well enough with no drama.

5. Cancer

Cancerians are among the least likely to do something insane. They love the “soft life” and they rarely get out of their comfort zone which is why they never come across to anyone as crazy. Even though they do have some quirky attitudes, only those that are closest to them get to see them in their true elements. Again comfort is important to them so they’ll only show their insane signs around people they’re comfortable with. Cancerians are highly emotional people and they tend to get set off easily.

6. Virgo

Virgo people are a little crazy. Ironically, they don’t really like Craziness. People born under this sign have a natural anxious energy that drives them to want to control everything. In short, they’re perfectionists and they always want things to be done a certain way. If you ignore the fact that everything about them seems normal. Virgo people want to plan every detail of their life. They typically have a schedule and they rarely go off it. However, Virgos can get really crazy when things don’t go as planned. In this case, they’ll turn on all the rage, lashing out at everything and everyone. Since these freakouts rarely happen, Virgos aren’t top on the list of crazies.

7. Leo

This is another insane zodiac sign that is drawn to fun and adventure. They’re the life of the party and they tend to have a number of crazy tricks up their sleeves as well. People born under this sign are also known for their dramatic flair. Leos love the spotlight and they’re often brazen in their attempt to hug all the attention to themselves. Leo people also have a massive ego and it can get easily bruised especially when someone else is getting all the attention. That’s when they go really wild and bring out all the craziness they can muster.

8. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are among the most free-spirited of all the zodiac signs. When it comes to having the craziest fun or going on the most insane adventures, you can give it to this zodiac sign. Sagittarius people are impulsive thinkers especially when it comes to having fun. They tend to do things without giving much thought to the consequences. In many cases, even when they know the potential consequences, it’s typically not enough to deter them. Sagittarians often manage to pull other people into their crazy off-the-wall fun ideas. If there’s fun mischief going on, you’re likely to find a sag in the midst of it.

9. Scorpio

The Scorpio always manages to keep their personality under wraps. This mysterious nature is probably the most insane thing about them. On the surface, they often appear cool and calm, but underneath that facade is a raging storm of emotional sensitivity. Scorpios rarely go beast mode, but when they’re hurt or provoked, they’re likely to respond to their emotional wound with a level of crazy-eyed vengeance you’re unlikely to find in any of the other zodiac signs. Scorpio people are also prone to obsession, jealousy, and a lot of other intense negative feelings.

10. Aries

The fiery passion of the Aries is the reason why they’re one of the top-ranking signs in the realm of the crazies. People born under this sign are known for their impulsive nature. They tend to do things that are out of sorts without thinking too deeply about the consequences. Aries people are always going after one chaotic endeavor or the other. They don’t like boredom and the only way to keep the excitement going on for them is to come up with one crazy plan or the other. Arians also have a short fuse which is another reason why they’re so insane. They can be set off by the slightest things and when they get mad, things can go out of control really fast with them.

11. Gemini

Here’s another sign that doesn’t mind standing out from the crowd. But something else that makes this zodiac sign insane is their split personalities. Gemini’s have an ever-present raging emotional battle that draws them towards extremes on both sides. This is why Gemini people are often prone to mood swings and tantrums. They can go from zero to 100 in just a matter of minutes. One moment they’re talking and laughing excitedly. The next moment, they’re quiet and somber. The Gemini is really a walking contradiction and this weird personality ranks them high among the craziest of all.

12. Aquarius

Saying Aquarius is the most insane zodiac sign shouldn’t be surprising to anyone. People born under this sign are known for their unconventional and quirky way of life. They simply don’t care about what anyone feels about whatever they do and that’s the perfect recipe for insanity. Their zodiac sign is often associated with originality, independent-mindedness, and even rebellion. They simply don’t like to do things the conventional way, which is why they often come off as zany most times.


There you have it, the craziest zodiac signs. At the end of the day, we all need a little craziness in our life and a little bit of insanity is needed to do great things.