Who are the moodiest astrological signs? In this ranking, we will examine all twelve zodiac signs under the magnifying glass and judge them in terms of how moody they can be.

zodiac mood swings

Some zodiac signs are simply prone to being moody. They can’t help but feel every emotion intensely or take everything personally, instantly making them unbelievably moody. Find out how moody your sign is on this moody zodiac sign ranking list.

Zodiac Moodiness Ranking (Least to Most)

  1. Taurus
  2. Capricorn
  3. Sagittarius
  4. Leo
  5. Virgo
  6. Gemini
  7. Libra
  8. Aries
  9. Aquarius
  10. Scorpio
  11. Pisces
  12. Cancer

Least Moody to Moodiest Star Signs

1. Taurus

Taurus might come off as moody, but they are usually just pouting. People born under this zodiac sign are extremely comfortable when they have something stimulating their senses, and when they have their material needs met. If both of these things aren’t happening, Taurus can get quite sulky.

2. Capricorn

It’s no surprise that Capricorn is one of the least moody signs. This sign prides itself on creating a comfortable atmosphere and focusing on communication when problems do arise. They are total control freaks, and always attempt to control their emotions and moods.

The only time that Capricorn will seem moody is when they occasionally lose control. However, their anger dies as quickly as it comes to the surface. It doesn’t take people born under this sign long to regain their composure once they lose their cool.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is known for being the happy, naive child of the zodiac. They can be moody, but it’s rare to see that part of their personality. Instead, people born under this zodiac sign would much rather focus on being optimistic and bubbly. You’ll see them smile as they run from one adventure to the next instead of having mood swings.

4. Leo

Leo is all about presentation. They prefer to look great and always put their best foot forward. While they won’t take crap from anyone, and will fiercely defend those that they love, they won’t let the world see their bad mood unless they know that it’s justified.

Although this zodiac sign is not moody, watch out for their temper. Once Leo is angry, it’s best to simply leave them alone.

5. Virgo

Nit-picky Virgo can be moody. They have high, specific standards and tend to be irritable when they aren’t met. However, it’s quite impossible for anyone to meet their standards. If the house is messy or anything is chaotic in their eyes, such as a sudden change of plans, it can quickly put Virgo in a sour mood.

People born under this zodiac sign often need alone time. When they don’t get it, they can be rather moody.

6. Gemini

Gemini tries to hide their moodiness, which often makes them more moody. They strive to be the life of the party and always have a smile on their faces, but they can’t hide their moodiness from people.

Those born under this zodiac sign often get irritated at seemingly minor things and find it difficult to fake happiness during those situations. However, they are so moody that they also move on from minor inconveniences rather quickly.

7. Libra

Libra is very empathetic and often feels responsible for other people’s lives or moods. This instantly makes them moody and leads to them taking everything personally. Libras don’t mean to be moody, but they can’t help it. They simply express feelings based on those around them, and they feel everything.

8. Aries

Aries is known for having a quick temper, but they can also be rather moody at times. Their attitude makes them moodier than other zodiac signs. They often don’t hold in their emotions, and always feel that they are right unless you can provide evidence that they are wrong.

In addition to this, they are simply moody. They can be depressed for one hour and feel like they are having the time of their life for the next hour. Thankfully, the moods of Aries don’t tend to last long.

9. Aquarius

Aquarius is one of the shy signs, so most people don’t realize that they are so moody. This sun sign tends to be hypersensitive and moody most days. They don’t mean to have constant mood swings, but they can’t seem to help it. Often, Aquarius learns to control their mood swings and that doing something fun will bring them out of a bad mood.

10. Scorpio

Scorpio, like other water signs, is very emotional. They tend to feel everything intensely, which is why Scorpio is often referred to as the most intense of the zodiac signs. These strong emotions are seen every day, which can make them a bit harder to handle than other signs. However, as Scorpios mature, they often realize that they can use these mood swings as motivation to take action, making them very successful.

If you have a moody Scorpio on your hands, it’s best to leave them to deal with their own emotions unless they ask for help. People born under this sign will listen to music or get active to work through their emotions. Simply let them know you are there in case your Scorpio needs you.

11. Pisces

Pisces is another water sign that simply feels every possible emotion, making it one of the moodiest zodiac signs. They let small things get to them, but they also let small things make them feel on top of the world. This leads to Pisces having a daily roller coaster of emotions that most people can’t seem to understand.

While Pisces might get angry or upset at seemingly minor inconveniences, they can, and do, make a quick recovery as well. Pisces can learn how to bring themselves out of bad moods by thinking about something positive like Aquarius so the rest of the world doesn’t have to deal with their moodiness as often.

12. Cancer

Cancer is by far the moodiest zodiac sign. They tend to have strong emotions, express them, and often feel everything around them. One snarky remark from someone can send Cancer on a warpath. However, when Cancer is in a good mood, they will shower everyone around them with love and positivity. The bright side behind Cancer’s moody personality is that they don’t hold back. You’ll always know where you stand with Cancer.

The water signs, which are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, tend to be more emotional than other signs. Because of this, everything around them impacts their emotions, making them the moodiest zodiac signs.

Zodiac Rankings