abstract image about Sagittarrians

Some people bring chaos and trouble wherever they go. You probably have that one friend that loves to create problems instead of solving them. They’re mischief-makers, pitting one person against the other or just making life difficult for everyone with mischievous pranks. While some people are just outrightly badly behaved, others are just thrill-seekers that get a kick out of causing trouble. We all have varying levels of mischievousness and this can be explained by our zodiac signs. Here is a ranking of the zodiac signs in order of their mischievousness.

Zodiac Mischievousness Ranking (Least to Most)

  1. Libra
  2. Cancer
  3. Pisces
  4. Sagittarius
  5. Aries
  6. Capricorn
  7. Taurus
  8. Gemini
  9. Leo
  10. Virgo
  11. Scorpio
  12. Aquarius

Least Mischievous to Most Mischievous Signs

1. Libra

Librans are not a fan of conflict. They want everyone to get along so they’ll be the last people to ever do something mischievous. They get comfortable when people fight whether it comes to blows or just verbal attacks. Their character is blameless as far as being mischievous is concerned. Fair play is important to them and instead of causing trouble, they’d rather play the peacekeeper just to make everyone happy.

2. Cancer

The peace-loving nature of the Cancers is what makes them less prone to being mischievous as well. They have a largely serious attitude most of the time and their demeanor is usually that of brittle and impervious seriousness. Simply put, Cancers don’t joke around or play pranks. They have a sympathetic and empathic soul. They’re also extremely protective of their friends and families so they won’t condone silly tricks on them.

3. Pisces

The emotional sensitivity of the Pisces is their most notable quality. It is difficult to picture this empathic zodiac sign as mischievous or troublesome and that’s probably because they aren’t. They’re more of peacekeepers than troublemakers, often trying to contain bad situations and keep everyone happy. Their peace-loving nature means they’re more likely to be caught dousing the fire of mischief instead of fueling it.

4. Sagittarius

Easy-going Sag isn’t a fan of drama. They try to avoid unnecessary drama with everyone because they don’t like feeling overwhelmed. Sagittarians have a playful side which allows them to be spontaneous. Although they can crack one or two witty jokes just to lighten the mood, Sagittarians can’t go full prank mode just to get a laugh. They’re simply too chill for all of that. Sags prefer to use their energy for more important things like their family, friends, and chasing their dream.

5. Aries

The Aries’ most notable character is their fiery temper and their tendency to be impulsive. They’re not very playful because they tend to turn everything into fierce competition. However, Arieses can get very witty when conversing with people. They’re not afraid to push people’s buttons. They’ll play the devil’s advocate by taking an opposing view intentionally just to make the argument more exciting.

6. Capricorn

Capricorns can be mischievous when they’re not being overly serious. Their ambitiousness and dedication mean they don’t loosen up too often. But when they let go things can get really wild. In fact, the Capricorn’s tarot card is the “devil” card that characterizes them as mischievous troublemakers. Someone getting to know a Capricorn for the first time may consider them conservative and restrained, but people close to them know they can be mischievous troublemakers. They grow increasingly playful as they mature. In that regard, Capricorns seem to age backward.

7. Taurus

Taureans do love some craziness and they can go out of their way to turn on the fun. When some people want things under control, people born under this zodiac sign prefer chaos. They love uncertainties and a lack of control. Pranks, practical jokes, and all forms of mysteriousness are not off the table. They’ll set everything up and sit back to watch as the chaos unfolds.

8. Gemini

People born under this sign love to cause trouble just to watch the confusion and chaos that follows. Their adventurous and spontaneous spirit is the major reason why they’re like this. Geminis will test the limit of trouble and they’re not afraid to explore new levels of mischievousness. They’re not concerned about the results of their actions as long as they’re having fun while at it. This means they often end up causing trouble even without realizing it.

9. Leo

Leos are stubborn and highly egoistic. They don’t like being told what to do. A Leo will do whatever he feels like doing and if that includes being mischievous then so be it. They can throw caution to the wind, crossing lines that are not meant to be crossed just because they can. A Leo will stir up trouble without caring about the consequences.

10. Virgo

Virgos will cause trouble just because they want to prove a point. Interestingly, they’re not fans of chaotic situations. A Virgo will rather stay out of trouble unless they feel they really need to prove a point to someone. Virgos are also fond of lying. They’ll build a complex web of lies just so they can get what they want in any situation.

11. Scorpio

Scorpios are natural mischief-makers. They’re smart and intellectual, but they also love to stir up chaos wherever they are. To the Scorpio, all is fair in love and war and they don’t mind either. People born under this zodiac sign can lie and manipulate people at will just because they want to. As long as there is a Scorpio around, you can expect some sort of trouble sooner or later.

12. Aquarius

Aquarius can get bored of situations quickly. To spice things up, they’ll often stir up trouble just for fun. That’s just how bratty they can be. The chaos is thrilling for them and they love to see things go out of control for everyone. It’s this brazen love for sadistic pleasure that makes them top on the list of most mischievous zodiac sign


Most people don’t like being pranked or tricked but mischief-makers are necessary evils. They make everything a little more entertaining. We have to admit that without their mischievous scheming brains, everything will be a little too boring.

Zodiac Rankings