Heartbreaks are inevitable. Except you’re among the lucky few that find their one true love once and forever, everyone has to deal with heartbreak at some point in their life. How you respond to it and how well you’re able to cope with a broken heart can vary depending on who you are as a person. Since a person’s personality is all wrapped up in their zodiac sign, your placement on the chart says a lot about how you will handle being brokenhearted. While some signs tend to move on quickly, others become vengeful and bitter when a relationship ends. In this post, we’ll explore how each of the zodiac signs responds to heartbreak.

Heartbroken Star Signs

1. Aries

Arians are prone to impulsivity and they have a bad temper. This can lead to serious issues after a breakup since they tend to react explosively. Aries people are the type to burn bridges when they break up with someone. They’ll say everything on their mind just to ease their pain. This includes the harshest and meanest things they can imagine.

2. Taurus

Taureans take relationships very seriously and they often give their all to it. This is why breakups are often very difficult for them. It typically rocks them to their core and destabilizes them. Taureans love balance and stability and that’s often their path to recovery. A Taurean would typically turn to self-care as a way to get over the failed relationship. Yoga, exercises, messages, and a lot of rest is all they need to slowly recover and move on from all the negative feelings that come with losing someone they really loved.

3. Gemini

Geminis love to communicate and this is often reflected in how they deal with breakups. They’re the type to continually vocalize their feelings through calls, text messages, DMs, and so on. Talking about their feelings is how they deal with all the confusing and hurtful emotions that they’re feeling as a result of the breakup. With time, they’ll be able to truly analyze their feelings and get over them.

4. Cancer

Cancerians have a soft and mushy interior. But they often manage to maintain a hard and cold exterior. Everyone knows Cancer is the most emotional of all zodiac signs. Yet, they try not to show it after a breakup. Cancer is the type to go clubbing or attend a party right after a breakup. But don’t let that fool you, they’re probably crying on the inside while trying hard to hold it all together. The Cancer would probably cry himself to sleep after looking through old pictures.

5. Leo

Leo’s reaction to heartbreak often depends on how the relationship ended. If Leo was responsible for the breakup, they’ll most likely start showing off and celebrating their singledom the very next day after the breakup. A breakup is always harder for Leo when it’s the other way around. People born under this sign are prideful, and getting dumped leaves them hurt and bitter which makes it harder for them to move on.

6. Virgo

Virgos tend to have unrealistic expectations and they set impractical standards for themselves and the people they date. Because of this, they’re more likely to be the ones to initiate the breakup. Virgos don’t like confrontation and would rather not have the difficult talk after a relationship ends. Breakups are more difficult if Virgo didn’t want a relationship to end. They’ll probably try to deal with the hurt maturely at first but might end up seeking revenge if they feel cheated or wronged in any way. At the very least, you can expect Virgo to send a long breakup text just to get everything off their chest and move on.

7. Libra

When it comes to moving on from failed relationships, Librans are the masters of rebounds. They’re the type to enter into a new relationship just days or weeks after the previous one ended. Libras detest being lonely and would typically enter into a new relationship just to get over an old one. It’s often easy for them to do this because they tend to check out mentally from a relationship before it officially ends.

8. Scorpio

People born under this sign believe “out of sight is out of mind”. For Scorpio, the best way to move on from a failed relationship is to cut off their ex completely from their life. Once a relationship is over, Scorpio will go radio silent for months after a breakup. That’s after they’ve tried unsuccessfully to reconcile with their ex. Once they’ve decided that the relationship is over, scorpions are likely to block their ex-number and may even go as far as blocking access to them on all their social media accounts.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarians always want to have the last word when a breakup happens. In most cases, they have a hard word to say and they’ll often aim for the heart with it. Seeing their words hurt their ex helps them feel better after a breakup. It’s a sort of defensive mechanism that makes them feel better about the heartbreak. They may eventually regret their actions and feel remorseful, but the harsh word is often enough to put a final nail in the coffin.

10. Capricorn

The Capricorn’s first reaction when a relationship fails is to be heartbroken and sad. However, after a few days or weeks of deep reflection, they’ll start getting over it. They’re often able to see the need for the breakup and might even learn a lesson or two about the whole thing. Another reason why Capricorns don’t mop around for too long is that they think that’s the best form of revenge. They won’t give their ex the satisfaction of seeing them suffering from heartbreak. They’ll invest all their energy into looking better and living their best life

11. Aquarius

Aquarians are not the type to burn bridges after a breakup. Instead, they prefer to stay friends with their ex and may even hook up with them occasionally down the road. Aquarians don’t invest too much emotion into relationships and that’s why it’s often easy for them to move past them. They’re cool with being buddies with their ex and they’re often eager to move on to the new phase of their life once an old relationship ends.

12. Pisces

Pisces don’t like dramatic breakups. They prefer open communication and would rather end a relationship amicably rather than have a messy breakup. Pisceans are tender-hearted and they get deeply hurt when a relationship doesn’t end the way they wanted it. They’re not the type to leave emotions unprocessed. They’ll go through all the stages of grief and might even shed a tear in private. Once they’re done grieving over the breakup, they’re ready to start going out and having fun with friends again.


Heartbreak is a universal experience, but it means different things to different people. Regardless of how you choose to process the pain of losing a relationship you used to cherish, it’s best to deal with all your feelings properly and even learn from them as you move on with the next phase of your life.