You probably know one or two people that always seem to be cold and emotionless. Most people assume emotionless people are like that because they’re suffering from past trauma or emotional breakdown. However, this is not always the case. A person’s zodiac sign can influence various aspects of their personality and this includes how they process and show emotions. Here is a ranking of the various zodiac signs from the least to the most emotionless.
Zodiac Emotionless Ranking (Least To Most)
Least Emotionless to Most Emotionless Star Signs
1. Pisces
Of all the zodiac signs, pieces are the most in touch with their emotions. They feel deep emotions, they are compassionate and they are never afraid to show how much they truly care for their friends and families. Everyone knows that they’re a blubbering emotional mess because they do not even attempt to hide their feelings around the people they love.
2. Cancer
People born under Cancer sign are extremely sensitive. They are also quite vocal about expressing their feelings. If you’re friends with a Cancer sign, you won’t have to second guess how they feel about you. They have a nurturing nature that will make them always want to care for you. Cancers enjoy being appreciated for their efforts and they’ll feel sad and disappointed if you don’t.
3. Virgo
Virgos wear their feelings on their sleeves and they tend to take things too personally. They’re a minefield of emotions and people may feel like they’re walking on eggshells around them. Words carry deep meanings to them and they can misconstrue a compliment as an insult. Because Virgos are such a bunch of raw neurons, they have a reputation for being quite emotional
4. Scorpio
Virgos have a playboy reputation. Most people seem to think that the only thing they want is physical intimacy and they’ll have a hard time connecting with anyone emotionally. This is not really true. Scorpios are just intentional about who they connect with on an emotional level. If they fancy you enough, they open up to you like a book.
5. Leo
Leos tend to feel things even deeper than many people around them. The only problem is that they have such a big ego that helps them conceal their emotions. They can go from highly sensitive to numb quickly depending on the situation and who they’re dealing with. If they’re really into you, you’ll see just how deeply they care.
6. Taurus
The Taurus has a hard shell but is gooey on the inside. On the surface, people would think that you don’t give a damn about love, but your partner knows just how much you love and adore them because you’ll do everything to express it. Tauruses believe in opening up about their feelings in a relationship so they’re quite emotionally available. They can strike with equal venom if they’re hurt too and will become closed off completely in such situations.
7. Libra
Libras have mastered the art of caring a lot and still appearing like they don’t give a flying hoot. One of their worst fears is coming off as too clingy to a partner. Because of this, a libra will rather not show emotions so they don’t appear as needy. In the real sense, they do care about the opinion of others and they’re very big on external validation.
8. Capricorn
Capricorns are selfish with their emotions. They love being on their own and are always looking out for themselves. However, they’re not very empathic about other people’s feelings. Because of this they often seem emotionally unavailable even when in a relationship. They’ll make their partner feel distant because of how emotionally selfish they are.
9. Gemini
Geminis have a double personality. They are the lovable social butterfly that is friends with everybody. However, they hardly stay focused enough to become too attached to one person. As soon as they start to feel too touchy, they’ll switch their personality. Geminis hide their feelings under ironic jokes and sarcasm. This is because they can’t stand someone taking their emotions for granted or making a fool of them. This fear of emotions is the reason why they throw a veil over their feelings and become emotionally distant from most people.
10. Aquarius
People born under this sign often come across as moody and emotionless. The wall of emotional indifference they have built around themselves is a self-protective behavior that helps to keep them from getting hurt. You’ll need a lot of time and effort to get an Aquarius to open their heart to you. Most times, even with so-called friends and family, they will remain distant and emotionally unavailable.
11. Sagittarius
Unlike others that just put up a bold front, Sagittarius people actually have a hard shell. They’re quite tough and nothing ever really gets to them. They just want to enjoy a drama-free life and won’t get too involved with other people to let their emotions affect them. They can also be quite insensitive with their insults-ever ready with harsh words meant to cut deep into the bone if you cross them.
12. Aries
Aries have an impulsive and spontaneous personality. They enjoy living life in the fast lane and that kind of life involves no sentimental baggage or emotional attachment. They think reflecting on how they feel or showing emotions is a waste of time so they’d rather not do it. They also have a larger-than-life ego and they don’t care if they’re loved or hated as long as they feel good internally.
Showing emotions is not a weakness. However, it is difficult to convince some people of this fact. Most times, it’s not because they don’t care. They’re just not wired to put their emotions on display thanks to the dynamics of their zodiac signs. If you’re friends with someone like that you just have to come to terms with the fact that they may never open up fully to you-and that’s okay.