Cheeky Star Signs

Cheeky is just a cute way to say someone is proud and rude. People with this character trait are overconfident in their own ability and this gives them some sort of boldness and borderline condescending or disrespectful personality. Each zodiac sign displays varying levels of cheekiness. This depends on other aspects of their personality, their perception of themselves, and how they look at other people. In this post, we’ll rank all the zodiac signs based on how Cheeky they tend to be.

Most Cheeky Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Gemini
2. Pisces
3. Taurus
4. Aquarius
5. Virgo
6. Libra
7. Cancer
8. Taurus
9. Aries
10. Capricorn
11. Scorpio
12. Leo

1. Gemini

Geminis are arguably the most humble creatures you’ll ever meet. They do have an ego, but they do not need anyone to stroke it for them. Gemini people don’t mind working behind the scenes and they don’t mind standing back and letting others take the spotlight. Gemini natives don’t ever feel like they’re fully accomplished. They always see things that need improvement which is why they never get too proud or overconfident about their craft. It’ll take someone else to point out how much they have accomplished and even with that, they’ll still maintain a healthy level of pride and self-confidence.

2. Pisces

Pisces people don’t feel a need to be pretentious or showy. They’re also good at staying humble not because they don’t know their self-worth, but because they see no reason to prove anything to others. The personal philosophy of Pisces people is to “have more than you show, speak less than you know”. They’ll gladly support anyone and they’re not too proud to ask for help if they ever need it.

3. Taurus

Taureans can be stubborn and unyielding but they’re not prideful. It’s difficult to get them to change their mind about anything they feel strongly about, but that’s only because they prefer the comfort and safety of things they’re familiar with and not because of ego or pride. Sometimes, they might act like they are the most correct person in the room, but this isn’t always the case.

4. Aquarius

Aquarians are mostly humble people. People born under this sign prefer to keep their successes and achievements to themselves rather than rub them in people’s faces. They never feel over-confident or cheeky. Instead, they look at other people’s progress as a motivation for them to do better. Aquarians feel genuine admiration for successful people. Even if they’re doing great themselves, it’ll never stop them from appreciating other people.

5. Virgo

Virgos have a practical and unbiased view of the world. They’re perfectionists which means they’re highly critical of themselves. It’s difficult for them to feel too accomplished to the point of thinking they’re better than other people. Sometimes, they extend this overly critical attitude to others around them. People sometimes misinterpret this as pride or smugness but that isn’t the case. They just have high standards that they hope others can live up to as well.

6. Libra

Libra people are always willing to admit that they’re not the best at everything. This is why they hardly ever brag about their wins or ability. The fact that they acknowledge both their failures and successes helps to keep them in line. Librans always have a conscious sense of how far they have come and they’re always looking to improve. They believe growing and learning never stops. Someone with an attitude like this never feels fully qualified or important enough to brag about their achievements.

7. Cancer

Cancer people believe that life is one big cycle. Today’s win can become a failure tomorrow and vice-versa. This mentality helps to keep them humbled. Cancer people have a genuine appreciation of the world around them. They see the talent of other people and don’t mind highlighting the success of their friends and colleagues instead of focusing on themselves alone. It doesn’t matter if they’re equally gifted. They’ll promote other people’s work along with that because they believe everyone can win.

8. Taurus

Generally, Taureans love to live a humble and quiet lifestyle. However, deep down they have a sense of insecurity that may jump out if they ever feel challenged. If that ever happens, a Taurean will throw all sense of modesty to the winds and show off without restraints. They’re easily triggered by egoistic people and braggarts and they’ll show off their own accomplishments and success just to put such people in their place.

9. Aries

Aries people are bold and confident. They’re ambitious people that don’t mind living in the spotlight. To be fair, people born under this sign are known to put in all the work needed to get results. Once they feel accomplished enough, they’ll tout their expertise and accomplishments at every opportunity they get. Ego can easily get the best of them and they’ll throw their earnings and high status in other people’s faces without caution. Aries easily lose their sense of humility once they feel they have accomplished some level of success.

10. Capricorn

Capricorn people tend to have excellent work ethics and a good sense of organization. They also enjoy a very good lifestyle and they tend to take pride in the good life they have. They typically don’t depend on anyone and they’re cheeky about this. The negative side to this is that Capricorns won’t ask for help or accept help when they need it. They’re simply too proud to admit that they’re not self-sufficient, just like everyone else.

11. Scorpio

Scorpios have a hard time accepting criticism because they have a very tall ego. They often end up living in grandeur and self-denial because they fail to see new opportunities for growth or improvement. They automatically take opposing views to any suggestion for self-improvement. This close-minded ego and cheeky confidence often keep them from seeing things differently.

12. Leo

Leo is the proudest and most egoistic of all the zodiac signs. Leo natives take pride in every aspect of their life and can exaggerate even the slightest achievement. Everything is a competition to Leo and if they want to always win. Leo people want to have the best clothes, the best career, house, family, pets, and everything. They believe everything about them has to be noteworthy and the world must revolve around them.


Although self-confidence is a good trait, taking it too far to the point of becoming proud and disrespectful to others is not a good idea. Regardless of a person’s achievements, learning to be humble and acknowledging other people’s successes is always a better way to live.