Realistic Star Signs

In life, some people live with their heads in the clouds. Then there are those that rely on practicality to make every decision. Realistic people make decisions based on available facts and figures. While having a little faith and believing in your gut feeling is not a bad idea, some people simply prefer to follow the things they can see clearly when making any decisions. In this article, we will rank the different zodiac signs based on how realistic they are.

Most Realistic Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Gemini
2. Sagittarius
3. Cancer
4. Aries
5. Pisces
6. Scorpio
7. Aquarius
8. Libra
9. Taurus
10. Virgo
11. Leo
12. Capricorn

1. Gemini

When it comes to realistic decision-making, one cannot really trust the Gemini to make the right choice. They have a duplicitous nature that often sees them try to take both sides of an argument. Of course, being right and wrong at the same time isn’t a realistic view of the world. Most issues are plainly black and white and anyone trying to play both sides cannot really be trusted to be realistic.

2. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are prone to making decisions based on their whims and impulse. They see life as one huge adventure which is why they have no problem with making split-second decisions in the spur of the moment. Their love for adventure also means they’re able to ignore the possible consequences of their actions when making decisions. As long as something feels good to them, they’ll do it regardless of the practicality.

3. Cancer

Cancers are considered the most emotionally sensitive of all zodiac signs. This means most of their decisions are based on their emotions, rather than practical reality. They’re water signs which means they have very strong intuitions. Once their gut says something is right, they’ll follow that gut feeling no matter what. Cancerians are also quite empathic and their concern for others guides most of their decisions.

4. Aries

Despite being one of the most intelligent zodiac signs, Arians are led by passion rather than reality. They do not trust their own intelligence especially when it comes to things that they’re passionate about. The blind optimism of Aries people makes it easy for them to suspend reality and make decisions that many may consider irrational. As long as they have a strong feeling about something, the facts, and the details matter only a little.

5. Pisces

Pisces people are known for their being naturally dreamy. This water sign is not the most logical thinker. Instead, they rely on their intuition and gut feelings to make even the biggest decision. The only good thing is that their intuition is rarely wrong. Pisceans have an idealistic view of the world and everything in it. Their actions are often based on “how the world should be” instead of how it really is in the moment. Their strong sense of empathy also clouds their judgment a lot of times. They find it difficult to make tough practical decisions especially when it is likely to hurt other people quickly.

6. Scorpio

Scorpions are known for their calculative and mysterious attitude. They’re not the type to make irrational choices based on a whim. Instead, these deep thinkers consider the various sides to any issue and they try to make the most practical choice possible. Scorpio people are often slow with decision-making. They’ll take their time and wait till they have all the factors of the matter before settling on a decision.

7. Aquarius

Aquarius people are highly intelligent. Their natural intelligence makes them one of the most sensible zodiac signs. Aquarians are among the most profound intellectuals you’ll ever meet. Their intelligence means they’re able to consider every situation objectively to formulate an objective view and make rational choices. The only problem with Aquarians is their tendency to be overconfident. They will not admit it, but not everything in life is practical.

8. Libra

Librans are all about balance and equilibrium in their life and everything around them. They’re among the most realistic of all zodiac signs because they tend to consider the full impact of every decision they make on everyone around them. Ironically, they fail to realize that keeping everyone happy or standing in the way of change is not a very practical way to live. Sometimes you have to step on toes and confront people. It might not be ideal, but it’s the harsh reality of life.

9. Taurus

The Taurean stubbornness is quite profound. They’re the type to stick to their guns regardless of what other people feel about them. One of the major reasons why Taureans are so stubborn is because they have a practical mind. They do not live a life based on fantasies or believe in pleasing people. Instead, they are strongly independent which makes them unlikely to be swayed by other people’s ideas of right and wrong. Taureans make the best managers because they’re able to make the tough decisions required to stay ahead in business.

10. Virgo

Virgo people are perfectionists by nature. They tend to plan every detail of their life and they have a schedule for everything. Being perfectionists means they’re unlikely to make decisions based on gut feelings or a whim. They believe every unplanned action causes ripple effects that can mess up everything. This is why they carefully plan every action, weighing all the available options.

11. Leo

Leos people are natural-born leaders. People naturally look up to them because of their charisma and their tendency to make bold intelligent decisions. Leos are very observant people. They see beyond what’s on the surface or what other people are saying. They’re also able to learn from past experiences and use the things they have learned to make the most rational decision in every situation.

12. Capricorn

Capricorns are considered one of the most practical of all zodiac signs. This pragmatic earth sign is not the type to make “spur of the moment” decisions. Instead, they give things a thorough choice and try to make the most practical choice in every given situation. Not trusting their guts helps them make practical decisions in various situations.


Practical people and the illogical ones both have their place in every social group. While the world needs people that’ll weigh all options and make practical choices, we also need adventurous people that can make spontaneous whimsical decisions too. We’ll say a healthy balance of both is necessary to live a full and enjoyable life.