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Although being depressed is a psychological issue, it could also be linked to a person’s zodiac sign. Astrologers believe that certain celestial bodies such as Neptune, Saturn, Lilith, Ceres, and Pluto can invoke feelings of depression. The astrological placement of these bodies at the time of a person’s birth can influence how they feel and their vulnerability to depression.

What’s more? Certain traits in each zodiac sign make them more predisposed to depression. Typically, zodiac signs that tend to show more emotional and intuitive capacity are usually more prone to emotions than others. Also, other traits such as self-criticism, pessimism, being overly dependent, or clingy can make a zodiac sign more likely to fall into depression under certain experiences. Based on these factors, here is a ranking of the zodiac signs from the least to the most likely to be depressed.

Zodiac Depressed Ranking (Least to Most)

  1. Libra
  2. Leo
  3. Sagittarius
  4. Pisces
  5. Scorpio
  6. Capricorn
  7. Taurus
  8. Gemini
  9. Aries
  10. Aquarius
  11. Virgo
  12. Cancer

Least Depressed to Most Demonic Star Signs

1. Libra

Libras are naturally social beings. They are also one of the chillest among the zodiac signs. Their laid-back attitude makes them quite approachable and they’re rarely sad or depressed. The only thing that might tick a Libra off is an inability to stay in control. If they were to be thrown into a situation that they can’t control, the lack of control may cause them some anxiety or drive them into a depressive state. Since this rarely happens, Libras aren’t prone to depression.

2. Leo

Like Libras, Leos are pretty chill as well. They have a reputation as the king of the zodiac sign and a laid-back attitude that confirms that. This attitude makes them quite lively. They’re party animals and people enjoy being around them. Leo’s weakness is their inability to deal with change very well. Being thrown into an unfamiliar situation may trigger sadness in them. However, Leos are quite adaptive and they will recover from their depression faster than any other zodiac sign thanks to their fiery personality.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius are solitary people and they enjoy their own company most of the time. However, since being alone is one of the possible triggers for depression, it means a Sagittarius is just one bout of loneliness away from depression. The good thing is that Sags are quick to come to terms with being alone and will wander off looking for a new adventure soon enough.

4. Pisces

People born under this sign are a bag of emotions. This is a good thing on one hand because it makes them quite sensitive to how others feel. On the other hand, this trait can make them self-destructive. Because they feel a lot, pieces people may become too clingy and overstretch themselves just to please others. They are often out of touch with reality and if they were to be betrayed or disappointed, they can become depressed real quick. However, Pisces are imaginative and they have a carefree attitude most of the time. These traits equip them to be able to combat depression and recover pretty quickly from it.

5. Scorpio

Scorpios have a terrible habit of dwelling on traumatic events from their past for too long. Their passion and intensity are the reasons why they’re likely to wear themselves out with all the emotional stress. They worry about losing things or losing loved ones and may become depressed over it. The fact that they bottle their emotions inside does not help matters. As a Scorpio, you’ll be able to process your intense emotions better and avoid depressive feelings if you simply learn to share your feelings with someone you trust.

6. Capricorn

Naturally, Capricorns are calm and collected which is expected of an earth sign. Even after suffering a traumatizing event, they’ll hold up really well. However, this fact may also be a Capricorn’s major undoing. They tend to take up leadership responsibilities or jobs where this unique trait is put to heavy use. With time, a Capricorn will pile on so much emotional baggage that they may become stressed and depressed. There is a tendency to feel responsible for others and to blame themselves for everything. This guilt can turn into depression over time.

7. Taurus

Taureans are well-grounded and motivated. They are earth signs after all so this is quite expected. However, they have an innate sense of accomplishment that may become unhealthy under certain circumstances. A Taurus wants to be successful every time and failure or a feeling of stagnancy in their life can make them bored and depressed.

8. Gemini

Geminis are known to be fun-loving and adventurous. One would expect a zodiac sign like this not to rank high on the list of depressive zodiac signs. But this is not the case. Even though they have a fleeting nature, Geminis struggle with processing emotions. They will struggle with heartbreak and may fall into depression. Also, a Gemini wants to be free like a bird most of the time. If they’re locked into a routine or forced into a situation where they’re unable to express themselves freely, depression may set in. What’s worse, unlike other zodiac signs that may try to conceal their sad state, a Gemini will project their bad feelings onto everyone around them.

9. Aries

Aries are not prone to depression as much as many other zodiac signs. They have a practical approach to life that helps them stay afloat most of the time. However, they are also a big bag of negative emotions. They can be moody, aggressive, and impulsive. So while an Aries will float above depression most of the time, if they become depressed for any reason, it’ll be challenging for them to get out of it. They’ll burn up themselves almost to the point of no recovery and it’ll take a lot of help to get them out of it.

10. Aquarius

Aquarians are known for their deep sense of empathy for others. While this is good for their friends and families, it is bad for an Aquarius. They are natural healers that cannot heal themselves. Someone born under this sign will do everything to make you feel good, but there’s nothing you can do to return the failure. If they go through heartbreak or are hurt in any way, they’ll become a giant ball of depression.

11. Virgo

Virgos are busy worker bees. There’s no rest or play for them in this game called life-just work. Their all-work, no-break rule may eventually put them into trouble as they hardly ever enjoy themselves. At the end of the day, a Virgo is likely to crash under all the heavyweight and become unstable. Virgos also have an unhealthy habit of fixating on negativity. They spend a lot of time worrying about the future and this can ruin the present for them.

12. Cancer

People born under the Cancer sign have a tendency to become sad. They’re quite sensitive and compassionate. They have a nurturing nature which is why they’re often called the “mother” of the zodiac. However, their emotional sensitivity means they carve recognition and affection more than other zodiac signs yet they’re the last to ever ask for it. They’ll rather suffer in silence and this can lead to depression in the long run. Cancers are also hard on themselves, which further worsens their mental state=pushing them further into depression.


Although anyone can become depressed, certain character traits make some zodiac signs more prone to depression. These traits may also affect how they handle the negative emotions when they experience them. It takes special care and attention to the strength and weaknesses of your zodiac sign to stay afloat from negative emotions.

Zodiac Rankings