Opinionated Star Signs

Some people are never afraid to simply “say it as it is” or be a hundred percent honest about their feelings, even if that honesty is painful and brutal. Unlike others that are less assertive about their feelings, opinionated people are never afraid to say what’s on their mind and will hold on to it dogmatically regardless of what anyone thinks. People born under certain zodiac signs are more opinionated than others. In this article, we’ll rank the different zodiac signs based on how opinionated they tend to get.

Most Opinionated Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Libra
2. Pisces
3. Sagittarius
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Gemini
7. Capricorn
8. Virgo
9. Scorpio
10. Aquarius
11. Taurus
12. Aries

1. Libra

People born under the Libra zodiac sign are often very indecisive about their opinions. Even though they can distinguish between what’s right and what’s wrong, they are less vocal about expressing how they really feel about things. Their inability to come to a decision can be a product of their insecurity. They don’t want their opinions to be dismissed or shut down. Secretly, Libras can inwardly cast judgments on others who don’t abide by their moral code of rightness and justice. You’ll find it difficult to convince them to partake in what they don’t believe in, and sometimes they can actually be bold enough to say their opinions if they are asked. But they’ll never willingly offer their opinions.

2. Pisces

Pisceans are one of those people that tend to be less expressive about their opinions. Their lack of assertiveness is not because they’re insecure or unsure about what they feel. Rather, they just feel everyone’s opinion should be respected which is why they never try to force their opinion on others. Pisces people only tell their opinions only to those they trust and not in a forceful way. If they have a strong opinion about an issue, they know how to say it without hurting people’s feelings or offending anyone because they’re quite emotionally intelligent.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are probably the most open-minded people you can ever interact with. These guys will listen to the opinions of the whole world, but will rarely voice their own or try to force anyone to believe the same things. Sags are more concerned with exploring the world and going on adventures than worrying about what others think a certain way. Their beliefs and opinions are highly subject to change. Their personal opinions don’t last because they’ll soon find something new to distract them or keep them occupied.

4. Cancer

Cancers typically keep to themselves. They are homely introverts who prefer to read, make coffee, and stay out of trouble. If they like and trust you, they can have a stimulating one-on-one conversation with you where they’ll share their opinions. But you’ll never catch them being loudly opinionated. They are smart and inquisitive, so they can easily form opinions but if at all they communicate these opinions they express them in a nice gentle way.

5. Leo

Leo is always naturally hungry for the spotlight and since being opinionated always manages to get people’s attention, you can trust Leo people to always have the loudest voice in the room.

Attention-hugging Leo can’t stop talking about things they’re passionate about. You’ll always find them in a group trying to infuse their own ideas into whatever conversation is going on.

6. Gemini

Gemini might have fleeting thoughts but they are chatty and thoughtful people who don’t have any real issues about voicing their opinions. Their thought processes are easily malleable. But When they form an active opinion, they have no issues saying it out loud for anyone who cares to listen.

7. Capricorn

Capricorns go through the world wrapped up in high confidence. So it’s only natural that this confidence reflects in how they express their opinions. They are guilty of forming opinions based on physical appearances. However, they also don’t mind revising their earlier estimation of you when they get to know you. They are open-minded people who are always welcoming of new ideas and worldviews so conversations with them are always exciting and unforgettable.

8. Virgo

Virgos hardly hold back on their opinions. And they always have a lot of opinions. If you have a Virgo friend, be rest assured that this friend will have an opinion on what you eat, drink, and the car you drive, plus the house you live in. To people who aren’t close to them, they give tactful and polite judgments but if you truly ask for their opinions, they will unload everything without holding back. They are sharp and intelligent folks who like to look at issues from a multifaceted dimension.

9. Scorpio

Scorpios have a mysterious personality and it’s hard to figure out what they’re really thinking. This makes it hard to even try to even change their opinions since you won’t even know it at all. Scorpios tend to have strong feelings or opinions regarding situations and people. They are idealistic and hold strong values which they wouldn’t get rid of, no matter what. Scorpio believes fully in expression. You’ll always know where they stand with you because they are grossly incapable of pretense.

10. Aquarius

These folks are strong-willed, independent, and outgoing. They are adventurous in everything and can be people-oriented so this means that they can speak up. They can also be rash and impulsive, but introverted Aquarians can be stuck in the world they have constructed within their heads. This doesn’t mean that they don’t express their opinions though. Just as long as they aren’t sucked into another world when you’re speaking to them.

11. Taurus

Taureans are naturally stubborn people, so don’t be surprised if they are obstinate about their opinions and affirmations. Do they give their opinions? Most definitely. They aren’t one for ambiguity. Be clear, honest, precise, and concise. Not all of them believe in wasting their breath though. Sometimes they only give their opinions if it’s absolutely necessary.

12. Aries

Good luck trying to shove your opinions down the throats of these ones. Aries is controlled by the God of war, so it’s no wonder that they are stubborn and fiery. Aries folks should honestly be more open-minded towards people because they are so opinionated. They always feel the need to be right, and in conversations, they’ll be the ones to speak the longest.


If you’ve ever wondered why your boss always wants to have things done their own way alone or why your friend never seems to bend their opinions for anyone, now you know it might be connected to the zodiac sign.