Compulsive Star Signs

Compulsive people are driven by their desires rather than logicality. They have a strong desire to do things repeatedly and they find it difficult to control their own actions towards whatever they’re obsessed with.

Different zodiac signs show varying levels of compulsiveness. While some act tend to act more rationally, others make decisions in the spur of the moment without considering their full ramifications because they’re unable to control themselves. Here is a ranking of the zodiac signs based on how compulsively they tend to act.

Most Compulsive Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Sagittarius
2. Aquarius
3. Gemini
4. Capricorn
5. Virgo
6. Leo
7. Aries
8. Libra
9. Pisces
10. Taurus
11. Cancer
12. Scorpio

1. Sagittarius

Sags love being in control of their feelings. They may make impulsive decisions, but that’s only because they want to. No decision of theirs is ruled by their emotions. Sagittarius loathe the idea of losing themselves to something or someone else. They can never get attached to something to the point of it taking over their minds completely. They simply don’t have time to be obsessed over anything. Sags are adventurous and they’ll rather move on to something new instead of getting attached to an old feeling.

2. Aquarius

The thing with Aquarians is that they tend to run away from emotions. In fact, rather than allow themselves to feel any emotions, they’ll run the opposite direction once they discover they’re getting attached to anything. This fear of getting obsessed with anything is the major reason why they’re among the least compulsive of all the zodiac signs. Fretting over something or being extremely interested in anything isn’t really their thing. Once they discover that they’re getting obsessed or attached to anything, they’ll look for a distraction or an excuse to move on to something else.

3. Gemini

Compulsiveness isn’t a Gemini’s thing because they love change so much. In fact, they don’t like being tied to anything because they get bored easily. Geminis are expressive in nature. Change is the only constant thing in the Gemini’s life and their dynamic nature means they’re the least likely to get tied to an obsession. They live in the moment and they are great at letting things go and allowing things to happen naturally. With this sort of attitude, it’s difficult to get caught up in anything for too long.

4. Capricorn

Capricorns are among the least likely to be compulsive because they believe in living a structured life. While they enjoy being focused on something (or a person), they do not get too caught up with anything to the point of obsession. They tend to be quite disciplined, which means they’ll always do what needs to be done without getting emotionally distracted by anything. People born under this sign may sometimes fall into a specific habit or hobby and repeat it often. But this is more along the line of discipline rather than an obsession to do that thing repeatedly.

5. Virgo

Virgos are persistent perfectionists. They love to achieve success and this is why they tend to work really hard. For most Virgos, the desire for success often turns into an obsession, driving them to make compulsive decisions. However, the self-confidence of the Virgo often saves them from being compulsive. They are confident in their abilities and this often saves them from obsessing too much over something because they know they’ll always get the job done regardless. Virgos also don’t get obsessive in relationships. In fact, they do the exact opposite, often acting very cautious on issues relating to others.

6. Leo

Leos are naturally self-confident people and this is often reflected in their actions. They are also self-motivators and they do not need the approval of others before they do something. Leos tend to do things that they consider good for them over others. This attitude can tend towards obsessiveness in some ways. They have a strong image of themselves and tend to act compulsively just to make themselves the center of attraction in various situations.

7. Aries

There are few zodiac signs as passionate as the Aries and this passion often turns into obsession very easily. Once they’re persuaded about something, it’ll be difficult for them to get it off their mind. However, they don’t act compulsively for too long mainly because they don’t like repetition.

8. Libra

Libras are obsessed with balance and they tend to act irrationally when things seem to be out of balance. They also act compulsively on issues relating to their relationship with others. They don’t like being alone and they desire. When Libras get obsessed with something, it takes over their mind and they become persistent with it until they get it. However, this doesn’t always last very long. They’re likely to move on to the next shiny thing very quickly. If something more interesting comes along, they’ll move on really quickly.

9. Pisces

People born under this sign are free-spirited. They tend to be dreamy and they’re quite in tune with their emotions and that of others. Pisces tend to act compulsively on subjects that they consider emotionally and creatively stimulating. When they care about something, it’s difficult for them to control how they act and they’ll not hold back

10. Taurus

The Taurean’s close-mindedness is the reason why they act compulsively a lot of times. Once they become obsessed with anything, they’re too stubborn to let go of it. Their passion or desire for something blinds them, blocking logic and everything else out of their view. Taureans act obsessively because they know what they want and they won’t let anything get in the way of that.

11. Cancer

Cancers tend to act compulsively, especially on issues related to their relationship. They are extremely relationship-oriented. Once they get obsessed with someone, they will begin to act in a possessive way. People born under this sign are naturally in tune with their emotions and this guides most of their actions. They know what they want and go for it regardless of the logicality of such a decision. Because Cancers trust their internal voice, they tend to follow their gut on a lot of decisions.

12. Scorpio

Scorpios are often considered the most compulsive of all the zodiac signs. They’re ruled by their passions and they’re quite territorial which makes them act obsessively most times. When a Scorpio becomes obsessed with something, the thoughts of that thing take over their mind completely making it difficult for them to act rationally or do anything else. They become fully invested and this drives all of their actions.


The most compulsive zodiac signs feel the urge to do things repeatedly. They’re saddled with a constant feeling of anxiety and uneasiness due to the things they’re obsessed about. Understanding how your tendency to act compulsively (or otherwise) is connected to your zodiac sign can give you better control over your actions and emotions.