Supportive Star Signs

Some friends will go out of their way to assist you and make sure you get what you need. People like this have a lot of compassion and understanding. Supportive people prioritize friendship and they don’t mind dropping their personal affairs to attend to yours. Of course, not everyone is like this and astrology can provide an explanation as to why certain people seem to be more selfless and supportive than others. In this post, we will rank all the zodiac signs based on how supportive they tend to be.

Most Supportive Zodiac Sign (Least to Most)

1. Aries
2. Gemini
3. Aquarius
4. Sagittarius
5. Scorpio
6. Capricorn
7. Libra
8. Leo
9. Virgo
10. Pisces
11. Taurus
12. Cancer

1. Aries

Aries people are probably the least selfless people you’ll ever meet. Everything an Arian does is about him and him alone. This does not mean that they cannot have friends or get into romantic relationships. Aries people make good friends. However, they’re unlikely to put anyone’s anyone’s affairs above theirs or go out of their way to support a friend.

2. Gemini

Gemini people never get involved with anything for the long haul. They’re quite flighty and unstable which is why they don’t do commitments or super-close friendships. Gemini people are two-faced and they’re constantly changing directions. That’s not to say they’re out to hurt their friends, they just don’t like being tied down to anything and that includes relationships or friendships

3. Aquarius

Aquarians don’t make a lot of friends because of their tendency to be distant from people. They also have an independent mindset which makes it difficult for them to get too involved with people. They rarely express their feelings and they don’t expect you to do the same. People born under this sign are more idealistic than emotional.

4. Sagittarians

Sagittarians are loyal and trustworthy friends. They’d probably make supportive friends if only they’re good at staying in touch. People born under this sign make a lot of friends. But their friendship is only in the moment. Friendship is out of sight and out of mind with these people. They’re good at reigniting old flames, but you cannot trust Sags to stay in touch with you once they leave again.

5. Scorpio

Scorpio people have mysterious personalities and their relationships often carry the same mysterious energy. Interestingly, people born under this sign have a soft side that a lot of people don’t get to know about. The truth is that it’s difficult to get into their inner circle, but once you do, you can trust them to stick up for you at all times. However, they take betrayal very seriously and they can be unforgiving if they feel crossed.

6. Capricorn

Capricorn people tend to take things very serious and that includes friendships. They’re always thinking about the long-term effects of their decisions and weighing the potential impact of their actions on people. This makes them excellent friends that you can trust to support you even in hard times. Capricorns are also wise people which makes them the perfect friends to have around when you need to solve problems. They’re not the most emotional people, but you can trust them to be loyal friends that will support you when you need practical advice or resources.

7. Libra

Libra people are known to have a balanced outlook on life. They love to see everyone in their circle happy and they’ll usually go out of their way to make this happen. However, the Libran’s support is not exclusive to anyone or born out of personal dedication to you. They just love creating a neutral environment where everyone is happy and comfortable. Relationships are of prime importance to them and they can be trusted to put other people above themselves.

8. Leo

Leo people are bold and courageous. They’re self-confident people with a larger-than-life attitude. However, deep down, the lions of the zodiac chart have big hearts. People born under this sign are known to stand up for anyone they truly care about. Whether in friendships or relationships, Leo people show deep devotion and unwavering loyalty and all they ask for in return is attention and admiration. Once they consider you their friends, Leos will go out of their way to pick you up when you’re done and stay with you through troubling times.

9. Virgo

Perfectionist Virgo is a natural fixer. They always want things to be in order and that applies to all the affairs of all their friends as well. They can be trusted to be there to help their friends solve problems or resolve issues and they won’t leave until everything is settled. Virgos are also cool-headed people. They can sit down quietly to listen to a friend lament or vent their anger.

10. Pisces

Pisceans are often considered the most emotionally sensitive of all the zodiac signs. People born under this sign are genuinely concerned about the emotional well-being of everyone around. Pisces people are intuitive and they can tell when their friends need support and the type of support they need. They’re also very caring and will go out of their way to show that they care. What makes them even more special is that they extend their goodwill to people beyond their circle. However, their friends have a special space in their hearts.

11. Taurus

Most times when people talk about Taureans, they talk about their stubbornness and headstrong nature. While this is true about the bull, they’re also among the best people you can have as friends. People born under this sign are known for their dependability and sincerity. They’re also quite sincere. Taureans love stability (it’s the major reason why they’re so stubborn in the first place). This is why they’ll do everything to make sure their friends and loved ones are comfortable and happy. And since they’re so stubborn, you can trust them to stand by you no matter what.

12. Cancer

If there’s anything Cancerians are known for, it’s their big heart. People born under this sign are dedicated to their friends and family. They have nurturing maternal energy and they always have their friend’s back. Cancerians are always willing to provide physical and emotional support for their friends and family regardless of what they’re going through personally. They’ll set everything else aside just to make sure their friend feels comfortable and happy again.


In a world where kindness and selflessness have gone missing, having supportive friends that you can count on is everything. If you have any of the most supportive zodiac signs in your circle, you should keep them close to you because they’re the sturdy support you need for rainy days.